
v1.4 in the works...

I just wanted to keep everyone posted on v1.4. There is a lot in store, mostly cosmetic but a lot is designed to help streamline the operation of the script. Also I'm finally transitioning the script to a full BT5 toolkit and not just word list based but that is going to be a work in progress. There are about 2-3 word list tools I want to add before I release it but we'll see how that goes. In the meantime here is what has been added / modified:

----------------------------| Version: v1.4 |----------------------------

  • Added a function to display the Sourceforge Delevopment RSS Feed from
    the information menu and updated the dependencies accordingly
  • Added a quick internet check to the start of the script (see banner)
    and intergrated that with a little notification on the main menu
    to show whether or not the version of the script you are using is
    up to date or not and whether or not you have internet
  • Reworked the menu system to make it a little better looking and compact
  • Added a function from the information menu that shows just the changes
    from the last version of the script
  • Added some basic Wifi attack based tools and utilities
  • Updated the menu system to compartamentalize the word list tools and
    added an entry for the wifi tools to the main menu
  • Added banners to each menu entry to make things look better and for a
    little self promotion ;)
  • Added feature to display the most recent RSS feed news entry the the
    top of the main menu and the ability to toggle it off
  • Added additional banners to the script start up
  • Cleaned up the main script file and sourced all functions to their own
    individual scripts nested in orders to make editing and reverse
    engineering the script easier and generally neater
  • Added the script's supporting documents to their own folder to clean
    up the script's file directory
  • Updated the logging function so it now logs user input as well
Posted by thad0ctor 2012-07-30

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