
why the max of the block size is 65464?

  • Yunsheng zhuang

    Yunsheng zhuang - 2010-12-22

    why the max of the block size is 65464? IP package is up to 65536, 65536-65464=72.

  • Donald1010

    Donald1010 - 2020-08-19

    The IPv4 "All out Length" header field has 16 pieces to show the size of the bundle in bytes.
    So we have 16 pieces that can have a most extreme estimation of 1111111111111111 =65,535
    The outcome that we got is only a "16 piece word" that gives us a specific sign on how enormous the parcel is. As the standard expresses, the got esteem speaks to the bundle size in bytes so you can simply take a gander at it as a number not as a measure of pieces.
    I trust I could clear things up for you.


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