
Ultimate PHP Board (UPB) / News: Recent posts

Language support

Work is currently underway to provide multi-lingual support for this software.

More info at

Posted by Clark 2014-04-20

XSS Vulnerability Notice / Future State of MyUPB

Our team has been made aware of another XSS vulnerability which needs to be fixed. However, this project may be reaching its overripe state and at this point it's unclear how we will proceed.

Our original vision for this project was to allow "anyone" to run a forum on their own website. Lots has happened on the server host side of things since this niche was discovered. Web hosts are a fraction of the cost then they used to be, even for really good ones. Free hosts with SQL access are much more common these days as well. With that being said, there are lots of different options for forum software these days and the level of effort our team is willing to put into the project keeps it way behind everyone else, even with the ability to store the entire database in simple text files. MyUPB has had an awesome run and host to some significant achievements but it may be time to official close the doors, more on this soon.

Posted by Tim Hoeppner 2013-01-02

Security hole patch

Please download the following patch and extract the archive to your root UPB folder. After installing the files please ensure there are no unexpected Admin members on your forums. Use the admin panel manage members to check.

Posted by Tim Hoeppner 2010-12-06

UPB 2.2.7 under development

The next version of UPB will feature mainly bug fixes and hopefully get the team back on track.

Posted by Tim Hoeppner 2010-12-03

UPB 2.2.6 Release

CRITICAL: Patched a "Privilege Escalation Exploit" in the HTTP_USER_AGENT

Posted by Jerroyd Moore 2009-06-06

UPB 2.2.4 has been released.

Contains many new features and bug fixes

Posted by Clark 2009-05-07

UPB 2.2.3 Released

UPB 2.2.3 has been released.
It was a security release to patch flaws that could allow an hacker to gain access to forum administration

Posted by Clark 2009-01-10

UPB: 2.2.2 Released

Ultimate PHP Board is completely text based making it easy for anybody who has access to PHP can run a messageboard of thier own without the need for MySQL. Visit for the most current version!!

Contains bug fixes

Posted by Clark 2008-11-14

Call All Developers!

I hope everyone is liking v2.2.1, despite some minor upgrade issues, I know we are. Wondering what we have in store for v2.3? Then you might be interested in our new MyUPB Developers Group( on google! This group is our developers mailing list, so if you are a PHP programmer (ranging from beginning to expert) interested in modding, adding, or whatever to UPB, this group is for you. Registration is free, but you don't need it just to read some developing ideas!... read more

Posted by Jerroyd Moore 2008-05-05

UPB 2.2.1 Released

UPB 2.2.1 has been released, adding a bunch of new features to our BBS.

===Release Notes===
* Tested with IE7, FF, and Opera
* To upgrade to this version from v2.1, use the update2_2_1.php file

===New features===
* Administrators can disable public registration
* Administrators can register users
* Administrators can set a configVar to approve/disallow newly registered users before they can log in
* Custom Avatars can either be uploaded, linked, or disabled
* IP Log revamped and added popular spider bots recognition
* Added a Preview Signature to UserCP,
* Smilies Management
* Post Icon Management
* Quick Edit
* Quick Reply
* New BBcode system
* New skinning system and skin(s) (not be compatible with previous skin)
* New Forum Management System
* Topic Bookmarking
* New User Restrictions
* SMTP support detection
* Developers: Expanded configVar API
* And so much more!... read more

Posted by Jerroyd Moore 2008-04-28

upb version 2.1.1b Released

Since its been so long before our last release I decided to add in a new system we've been testing at

The new attachment system is a more secure method of handling file uploads. All the data is stored in a database table instead of accessed directly via a web folder. The data is served as an attachment to the browser so no matter what the file type, the browser will try to initiate a download.... read more

Posted by Tim Hoeppner 2007-08-17

Switched over to Sourceforge

The MyUPB team decided to start using all of the nice features sourceforge provides. Mainly the trackers and download system which we were using our own system before. This will hopfully help us to better organize whats been done and what needs to be done.

Thanks Sourceforge!

PS: Please note if you want to use UPB you ONLY need to download the upb package. The textdb package is only there if you want to use it for your own scripts.

Posted by Tim Hoeppner 2007-08-13

Big Update

Please visit for the most recent release of UPB, we just released 2.0.2 a few days ago!

Posted by Tim Hoeppner 2006-11-19

Our site

For recent news and information please visit: because this is where most of our visitors are.

Posted by Tim Hoeppner 2003-02-13


Well since getting used to cvs we have been able to blast off with development of the forums and textdb. I am really thankful for sourceforge to let us use cvs on there server!!

Posted by Tim Hoeppner 2003-01-29


Our project has just learned to use cvs! We have begun to use it, although we are not really familiar with it yet.

Posted by Tim Hoeppner 2003-01-20