
#701 TeXstudio Full compatibility macro ( TeX, AMSTeX, PDFTeX, LuaTeX, XeTeX, TeXify, PDFTeXify, ConTeXt, MetaFont, ), and not only latex and variants


Many programs tex editors have a wide compatibility with macros that are not only latex. For example TeXworks WinEdt and has extensive support for a variety of configurable execution as TeX, AMSTeX, PDFTeX, LuaTeX, XeTeX, TeXify, PDFTeXify, ConTeXt, MetaFont that is present in a conventional installation texlive / miktex / MacTeX.

I think the name is TeXstudio which refers to all macros tex, not only the latex macro (for joke would call the program LaTeXstudio ;)) . Features that would have TeXstudio , to make it a full tex editor would in principle :

1) Configurable execution of macros ( Here I give commands to compile the various documents of each macro, I tried it in texstudio , and it works fine ( on windows , linux is not very different) ) , the take in TeXworks

I use ConTeXt and would be good to also detect this command (that's the point 2)

ConTeXt (pdfTeX) : texexec.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex

ConTeXt (LuaTeX): context.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex

ConTeXt (XeTeX): texexec.exe -synctex=1 -xtx -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex

Tex: (many people still use it): tex.exe -src -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex

pdfTeX (at least should have this): pdftex.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex

LuaTeX: luatex.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex

XeTeX: xetex.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex

AMSTeX: amstex.exe -src -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex

MetaFont: mpost.exe -interaction=nonstopmode ?me)

Weird and good for some:
MusiXTeX (
Texinfo (GNU)

No such standards as they are only miktex (these might not)

TeXify(miktex): texify.exe -src -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
PDFTeXify(miktex): pdftexify.exe -src -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex

Texstudio must have the characteristics that have latex with other macros such as:

ConTeXt\tex...etc , command completion
ConTeXt\tex...etc , syntax highlighting (important)
ConTeXt\tex...etc , typesetting
Unicode (UTF-8) handling
*bidirectional edit (right-to-left)

3) other features, such as:

autocomplete for these macros, tables, images assistants, new document. etc. (this would have very future)

I wish that in the next version implements the first point, as this is easier and is only creating menus in the menu tools with these commands by default, many people including myself, use ConTeXt texstudio and when we see that it is an excellent editor asked us because they have those commands by default, if tex standards and some have default editors, thank you very much.


  • upa

    upa - 2014-05-06

    a clear example is AUCTeX, this tex file editor, lives up to its name as it supports AMS-TeX, LaTeX, Texinfo, ConTeXt, and docTeX, texstudio should also make these types of support for TeX macro, besides having tools for each macro.

    for example would be good texstudio detect the type of syntax as it does auctex and menus change depending on the macro, for example if the menu ConTeXt LaTeX to ConTeXt and change just like latex now one could insert formatting commands text, etc. made​​. of ConTeXt this is realizdo for AUCTeX (not sure if can be based on this and your license is gpl, would be nice), among other things.

    This would make TeXstudio a TeX environment more and not just latex and could comvertirse one of the most versatile editors TeX world.

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2014-05-06

    I am aware that a feature request is the place to dream out the dream.
    Reality is that program code which is not used/not tested, is
    principally full of errors.
    Since none of the current authors seem to use other tex-engines but
    pdflatex, all changes are pratically untested. And furthermore, i don't
    see much sense in supporting ALL possibilities, if ,in the end, nobody
    uses it. Seems like a waste of time.

    So, if you are interested in extending txs functionality, we are
    thankful and will support every move, but it is unlikely that we will
    support all tex-dialects on the off-chance that somebody might use it.

    There are other features for txs I am way more interested to implement.


  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2014-05-07

    As Jan already explained, dialects other than LaTeX are not a major priority in the project. If I can enhance support with little effort, I'm glad to do it. But I won't spend too much time on this because there are other features in the focus. IMO LaTeX is still the largest community.

    1) Configurable execution of macros

    Is it just that there are no defaults for this? You can easily set up user commands for this.

    ConTeXt\tex...etc , command completion

    Implementation would be a major effort. -> not possible in the foreseeable future.

    ConTeXt\tex...etc , syntax highlighting (important)

    I'm not familiar with ConTeXt. Can you give an example? It might be possible to add this with limited effort.

    ConTeXt\tex...etc , typesetting

    What exactly do you mean by typesetting?

    Unicode (UTF-8) handling

    Already there (as good as it can get with the QCE2 editor component.)

    *bidirectional edit (right-to-left)

    Already there, though not thoroughly tested, because non of the developers works with it. Is something not working with it?

    3) other features, such as: [...] new document.

    You can make your own templates (File -> Make Template...). They are not language-specific.

  • upa

    upa - 2014-05-08

    you are right about many things, but the use of ConTeXt is spreading much ( other macros are not as common or as powerful as LaTeX , you have reason not to be a priority for Texstudio ) , but I think ConTeXt macro whether it should be implemented in texstudio , so be towards a future . Since it is a tex macro which complements and contrasts with latex, such as the definition of wikipedia

    ConTeXt May be Compared and contrasted with LaTeX , but the primary thrust of the two are rather distinct . ConTeXt from the ground up is a typography and typesetting system meant To provide users easy and consistent access to advanced typographical Control -important for the general -purpose typesetting tasks . The Original vision of LaTeX is to insulate the user from typographical decisions -a useful approach for Submitting , say , articles for a scientific journal. LaTeX That has evolved from the original vision ; at the same time , ConTeXt 's unified design Avoids the package clashes That can happen with LaTeX.

    shows that it is a very powerful macro, many professionals look because they may control the typography system , do not want it anymore but hopefully support it , annex an example of code which is in ConTeXt wikipedia ( it should bear some previous command of context) , to see their quality, basically the first thing you could implement to support reconosca conTeXt is that its syntax ( in this example texstudio , the syntax is shown in red eg \ starttext , which is good in this language )

    ConTeXt has excellent feature that you can use LaTeX styles , The potential of PDF is available to the user : complex forms and JavaScripts are no problem for ConTeXt .

    to start with the sintaxys ( I do not program , this is the dilemma ) ConTeXt on his website shows his command in full ( or slightly less )

    if you are interested to know there is good documentation in a little more

    thank you very much , and sorry for that overwhelm them both with this great application .

  • upa

    upa - 2014-05-09

    auctex is very complete as to be versatile for tex macros, for example, this has sintaxys of context, amstex, ..... etc.. and there is no need to tell the macro editor which uses the document to open it just fits this and change your options, for example if I open the context switch of the latex context menu with all commands.

    I do not know to what extent they can be based on code auctex to implement its features and not have to implement them from scratch by example support for context (and other frameworks tex), as well as so good features like reading all packages, options, etc. . and insert them into the document also reftex which is a powerful editor of references, labels etc. All the features are within. "The" will annex the git project

    • Tim Hoffmann

      Tim Hoffmann - 2014-05-11

      Emacs and Auctex are written in a LISP dialect. It's not possible to reuse any of their code in TXS. Moreover the programming paradigm of LISP is quite different from objectoriented C++/Qt. It would be easier to rewrite this functionality from scratch than to look at the Auctex code and try to translate it to something we could use.

  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2014-05-11

    Here's the amount of Context support I could hack together in a few hours:

    1. You need a most recent version of the editor i.e. the snapshot from today or newer (or compile yourself on non-windows systems).
    2. Syntax highlighting: Create a languages folder inside your settings directory. Copy context.qnfa there. After restarting TXS, there should be an additional entry View -> Highlighting -> ConTeXt. Select this for your ConTeXt files. If you want to refine the highlighting, you are welcome to edit context.qnfa. You'll find documentation at the very bottom of the manual supplied with the above version of TXS.
    3. Completion: copy context.cwl to your settings directory. Activate it at Options -> Completion. It may be possible that you can deactivate some of the latex*.cwl files (not sure if there are commands that should also be present in ConTeXt). You'll find information on the cwl format in the documentation as well. However, most of the classifiers won't work, because they have to be interpreted by our internal parser, which currently doesn't understand the square-bracket parameter notation of ConTeXt. But it doesn't hurt to already specify this information in the hope that there is somewhen time to write a ConTeXt compatible parser. You are welcome to extend context.cwl with all the commands from the contextgarden command list.

    The files above are merely a proof of concept. I don't have the time and the ConTeXt knowledge to complete the language formatting and the completion file. With the examples you should be able to do that yourself. You'll see that the ConTeXt support is still not near as good as the LaTeX one, also with these additions. But it's a good start and it should now actually be viable to use TXS with ConTeXt. Please report back, if you do additions, so we can include them in future releases of TXS.


    Last edit: Tim Hoffmann 2014-05-11
  • upa

    upa - 2014-06-02

    would be nice if developers texstudio, they contact with ConTeXt developers to jointly improve texstudio to support context, can contact the follows
    email list of all users in context:

    emails lead author:
    Mainly Hans

    It would be good as they do with other authors such as languagestools, among others JabRef colbarorar between the two projects

    • Martin Sievers

      Martin Sievers - 2014-07-22

      emails lead author:
      Mainly Hans

      This is definitely not the Hans Hagen developing ConTeXt. You rather mean: Hans Hagen working for Pragma-ADA (

      Best regards

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2014-06-02

    Of what avail should that contact be ?

    The basic problem is that no txs developer uses context. So, there is no direct benefit for the developers to implement further support plus the testing is rather poor.

    Since jabref is written in java, there is no possibility to transfer code.

  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2014-06-02

    would be nice if developers texstudio, they contact with ConTeXt developers to jointly improve texstudio to support context

    I would put it this way: We are open towards ConTeXt, but it's neither a primary goal in the TXS roadmap nor do the core developers have spare time to work on it. So, the initiative would have to come from the ConTeXt community, ideally from someone with C++/Qt background. I can provide tips and assistance if someone wants to contribute patches to improve the ConTeXt support, but I don't have time to develop for that myself.



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