
#212 Multiple inline pdf-viewer


In "Quick Build" there seems to be an option

"Don't launch a new instance of the viewer..."

This does not seem to apply to the internal pdf previewer. Independent of that
check mark there is only one internal pdf-viewer window.
It might actually be beneficial to have to pdf-documents open at the same time.


  • Benito van der Zander

    moved to feature request

    It might actually be beneficial to have to pdf-documents open at the same time.

    You can already call Window\New Window in the pdf viewer to clone the current window

    This does not seem to apply to the internal pdf previewer. Independent of that check mark there is only one internal pdf-viewer window.

    This option defaults to false, and the pdf viewer should only open once in default mode, so it is not possible to link these two

  • Pat Schweitzer

    Pat Schweitzer - 2012-09-20

    Well, since the status of this was updated, I though I should comment on it again and give you a scenario,
    where I would want to have this feature.

    I work on A.tex, then quick compile to get A.pdf (with synctex)
    Then I work on B.tex, and quick comple. to get B.pdf which closes A.pdf. Even if two internal editors are open.
    Both have B.pdf after quick compile.

    This is exactly not what I want. I want to be able to work on A.tex and B.tex simultaneously.

  • Pat Schweitzer

    Pat Schweitzer - 2012-09-20

    I should clarify:
    Simultaneously, meaning using synctex with two different .pdf files. (Not .tex files, which is obviously possible)

  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2012-09-20

    Hi Pat,

    Please let me explain, why I lowered the priority:
    1) Do you really work actively on two documents and compile them interchangingly? I think that is a rather unusual case. Most people will work on one document and may have other PDFs open only for reference.

    2) From an implementation point of view TXS is currently not really designed to simultaneously work on multiple projects (e.g. there is only a global setting for the master file). The viewer is only one hallmark of this. Consider also that windowed and embedded viewer are essentially the same, and it is not possible to have multiple embedded viewers. I do not completely overlook the situation, but I suspect that this feature would require significant changes to the code.

    Considering 1) that this feature is likely not commonly used and 2) that it's not easy to implement, I lowered the priority. I'm not saying, it cannot be useful in certain situations, but given development time is limited and I think there are more important things to do.

  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2012-09-20

    Note also, that it is possible to launch two separate instances of TXS by passing "--start-always" as command line argument. Then you can independently work on two projects, including separate PDF viewers.

  • Pat Schweitzer

    Pat Schweitzer - 2012-09-20

    Ok, compromise, let's lower it to 4 ;-) (Then it's below default, reflecting that only a weird guy (me) wants
    this, but he really would see it as an improvement. Plus, I don't think the priority should reflect how difficult
    it is to implement a feature, again my opinion, I know.)

    To answer your question, yes constantly work on several things simultaneously, honestly. It drives me
    nuts to work on the same thing all the time. And I do have at least two colleagues who work the same way...
    This said, even if I work on the same thing I often have multiple, different papers open which I
    need to edit. (That's why I emphasized the synctex). I'm not sure what "--start-always" does to
    my predefined settings (like which documents are open...) I'll give it a try, tomorrow.

  • Pat Schweitzer

    Pat Schweitzer - 2012-09-20

    Oh, and I should say thank you, for reading the request carefully and actually
    thinking about it.

  • Benito van der Zander

    Well, I forgot about this feature request (I don't look at them, if
    there are bug reports remaining),
    but I have actually implemented something similar.

    You might want to look at the list of options for the internal pdf viewer.

    With --preserve-duplicates, it will not close the old pdf viewers, if
    multiple windows are opened (but synctex won't work), or with
    --preserve-existing-embedded|windowed you can define separate commands
    for embedded/windowed viewers (and keep A.pdf in the embedded, and B.pdf
    in the windowed one).

    (e.g. there is only a global setting for the master file).

    Except these implicit master files for each file that Jan added

    it is not possible to have multiple embedded viewers.

    Actually it is.

    You can use this command for that:

    txs:///view-pdf-internal --preserve-existing --embedded

    (the new ones may appear with initially 0 width, but you can resize them
    by dragging the separator at the very right side of the window )

    For the weird cases, I have usually added an option

    I'm not sure what
    "--start-always" does to
    my predefined settings (like which documents are open...)
    It will only keep the settings of the last closed instance...

    2) that
    it's not easy to implement,

    3 lines, at most...

    development time is limited

    Yes, it is

    On 09/20/2012 07:53 PM, wrote:

    Feature Requests

  • Pat Schweitzer

    Pat Schweitzer - 2012-09-24

    Hm, thanks for the suggestion, but I really like synctex to work...
    I guess it should stay open until someone changes these
    three lines you talked about ... ;-) I'm patient, I know bug fixes
    should have priority.

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2012-11-09
    • status: open --> closed
    • milestone: -->
  • Benito van der Zander

    • status: closed --> open
  • Benito van der Zander

    "merged" 371:

    At the moment, I am editing two latex documents and would love to be able to have both compiled versions open side by side while I flick between the latex source.

    If not, at least have the internal viewer switch between the compiled version when you change the source file.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-12-12

    I would agree that is is a very rare occurrence for most people. However, I am editing my paper while also looking over and replying to the referee comments. In my case I also have three monitors and I use a tiling manager. Not very common I'm sure. So it isn't a priority, but would be a nice feature to have in the far future.



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