
TexMakerX, YAP and Inverse Search

TXS - Help
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-10


    I am using Miktex 2.9 portable and TexMakerX 1.9.9a USB on Windows7. I have
    configured forward search with YAP according to the manual, works great. I
    also want to use inverse search from YAP to TexMakerX, I have configured it
    according to the manual as well. While it works in general, it always opens a
    new instance of texmakerx, which is annoying. Is there a way to make the
    running instance of texmakerx jump to the right line?

    Thanks in advance for any help!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-11

    I have tried WinXP, reverse search does not open a new instance here.

    A workaround could be to invoke texmakerx by dde to jump to the right file and
    line? Haven't found dde commands for Texmakerx though...

  • Benito van der Zander

    Which command do you use in yap?

    What happens if you start tmx twice? (Without specify command line options it
    should never open a new instance)

    @wodraq: That is not possible, tmx doesn't support incoming dde commands

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-12

    the command in yap is:
    C:\Programme\texmakerx.1.9.9.a.win32_usb\texmakerx.exe "%f" -line %l

    I tried some more things:
    1. using the above command directly from the command line works fine, no multiple instances
    2. if I open a new document, compile it, view it in yap, double click for reverse search a new instance of texmakerx shows up. If I edit something in this second instance, everything works fine, just keeping two instances of texmakerx open.
    3. If I open a new document, compile it, view it in yap, double click for reverse search a new instance of texmakerx shows up. If I close the first instance of texmakerx, everything works but yap doesnt maintain its window position and always resets to the center of the screen.
    4. If I open a new document, compile it, view it in yap, double click for reverse search a new instance of texmakerx shows up. If I close only the open document in the first instance of texmakerx, keeping the instance running, edit something and reverse search the document is reopened in the first instance.

    any ideas?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-12

    btw its windows 7 64bit prof.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-12

    oh, and neither by command line, nor by a link tmx start two instances

  • Benito van der Zander

    Perhaps the instances think they are running as different users.

    Can you look at the user/username variables in the environment of the
    processes? (e.g. with the Process Explorer of Sysinternals/Microsoft)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-22

    both texmakerx instances and the yap instance are running under my local
    (admin) user account.

    I have also tried compatibility modes, running with admin privileges, running
    the programms from .bat files with all possible combinations of with and
    without "start"

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-23

    oh, and I have tried installing texmakerx 2 beta, same results

  • Benito van der Zander

    Do you have yap 2.9.3780?
    If you close the first instance, doesn't that kill yap?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-26

    yes it is yap 2.9.3780

    If I use the Latex + ViewDVI Option in TexMakerX and close the first instance
    yap closes.
    If I call the same latex and yap commands from a .bat file I can close the
    first instance and yap stays open

  • Benito van der Zander

    Well that version works for me.

    Let's get more technical:
    Does tmx create a file called like C:\users\???\AppData\Local\Temp
    Can you modify/delete it while the first/second instance is running?
    Can you check with instance owns the write lock on that file? (I once knew how
    to check this, but forgot it. There should exist a program for that from
    SysInternals perhaps)
    What does pipelist.exe print? (you can get that here

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-28

    There is a file called qtsingleapp-TexMak-f419-1-lockfile
    I can edit that file as long as the first instance of tmx is not running.
    I have logged the file access during my tries using process explorer. I have
    sent you links to the logfile and the pipelist output.

  • Benito van der Zander

    Nothing unexpected to see...
    What happened at 20:14:44,7393157? Did you start tmx from yap then? And was
    the first instance still running?

    Have you anything unusual on your system? Virus scanner? Pipe firewall? Home
    directory on a network share?

    Can you try 1.9.3. just for fun? Or the 2.0 version for Windows 9x? (latter is
    not available yet, i will probably upload it in the next days)

    Do you have/can install the Qt Sdk? Then I can send you a modified source that
    should be easier to debug

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-29

    I am not sure what happened at 20:14:44,7393157, maybe I deleted the file
    after closing the first instance. If you want me to try anything specific,
    please tell me.

    I have a sophos virus scanner, which features basic behaviour analysis, but it
    never complained about tmx.
    I dont have a pipe firewall, as far as I know
    My home directory is local.

    tmx 2.0 usb shows same problems
    tmx 1.9.3 usb works! Just a very small bug, on the second compile yap resets
    its window position, on the following compiles everything works fine!

    I can install the Qt SDK if that helps to identify the problem.

  • Benito van der Zander

    I have a sophos virus scanner, which features basic behaviour analysis, but
    it never complained about tmx.

    I can install the Qt SDK if that helps to identify the problem.

    That's probably the best way to find the bug.
    And once you have it, you can also use the svn version in the future, which
    gets better than the releases anyways

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-16

    i have problems compiling tmx, can you send me a compiled version of the
    modified debug source?

  • Benito van der Zander

    Did I send you the version, or did I forget it? I think I forgot it...

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-04-12

    at least I didn't get it. btw the problem persists in tmx 2.1

  • Benito van der Zander

    Now I found the problem:

    Yap changes the temporary directory, so tmx cannot find the d601.lockfile.

    A workaround is to create a bat file like

    SET TMP=%MIKTEXPATH%\miktex\tmp
    SET TEMP=%MIKTEXPATH%\miktex\tmp

    to start texmakerx which causes tmx to create the lockfile in the temporary
    directory of yap.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-04-21

    it works!!! thanks!

    the %miktexpath% has to be expanded and then its the miktex\temp directory.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I can not see any jump to source /Jump to pdf
    options in TexStudio (use internal viewer)
    Can soemone point how to do direct/inverse search?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    uups sorry svn build has it :) thanks ...

    one more thing
    when there are verbatim environmets, wen moving cursos in source editor
    internal pdf viewer is not synchronized..


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