
How to load/edit files in \input command?

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I have a source (root) file that contains many "\input"
    commands. The "\input" comamnds nicely show on the
    structure pane.

    However, when I click on one of the input commands on
    the structure pane, I get an error message that says,
    "Sorry, I couldn't file the file." But the file is there
    in the same folder (directory) or somewhere on the
    defined path (the root file complies just fine).

    Is this a bug? Or am I making a wrong assumption?

    I recall another LaTeX editor that has a similar tree structure
    and when you click on one of the items on the tree structure,
    the corresponding file is loaded into the editor?

    Is this feature not yet available in TeXstudio?

  • Benito van der Zander

    It should find and open the files.

    Which TeXstudio version do you have?

    Did you set a master file?



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