
#909 SVN repo error crashes whole desktop, Ubuntu 12.04


TeXstudio does not properly handle internal SVN errors. It freezes, and freezes the entire (unity) desktop, requiring a reboot to clear up the problem. We've had this happen a half a dozen times since starting our latest project.

These are not critical errors in the repo, either. They're simply problems in the working directory that SVN easily clears up itself by running the "cleanup". These kinds of errors need to be handled much more gracefully.


Bugs: #909


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  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2014-02-24

    Could you please give a description how to reproduce such an error?

  • Benito van der Zander

    Sometimes the crash handler that is supposed to catch crashes crashed the desktop, but these crashes are fixed in the latest rev.

    If it had happened, there should also be a texstudio_backtrace file in /tmp with information about the actual (svn related) error

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2014-03-05

    What kind of error are we talking about?
    Can you give a concrete example ?

    On 24.02.2014 22:37, Ticket 909 wrote:

    [bugs:#909] SVN repo
    error crashes whole desktop, Ubuntu 12.04

    Status: open
    Labels: svn linux ubuntu unity
    Created: Mon Feb 24, 2014 09:37 PM UTC by Anonymous
    Last Updated: Mon Feb 24, 2014 09:37 PM UTC
    Owner: nobody

    TeXstudio does not properly handle internal SVN errors. It freezes, and
    freezes the entire (unity) desktop, requiring a reboot to clear up the
    problem. We've had this happen a half a dozen times since starting our
    latest project.

    These are not critical errors in the repo, either. They're simply
    problems in the working directory that SVN easily clears up itself by
    running the "cleanup". These kinds of errors need to be handled much
    more gracefully.

    Sent from because you indicated interest in

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    Bugs: #909

  • Blackhawke

    Blackhawke - 2014-03-31

    Okay, I finally have an update for you, as the last crash happened on my machine rather than my wife's. (I'm the one who originally reported this error. At the time I couldn't get into my sourceforge account.)

    Anyway... The crash locked up my Unity desktop when I did a save/commit. This time, a critical failure window popped up, but I could do nothing with it. I also looked in /tmp directory, but apparently the program hadn't even had a chance to write the log before freezing.

    Since the working directory was a complete mess (easily fixed with the 'cleanup' command), I gather the crash is somehow related to the save/commit. I do have autocommit turned on.

    Note that I'm running an AMD64, but my wife is running a i686 processor. Her version of TeXstudio crashes in this way more often than mine.

  • Blackhawke

    Blackhawke - 2014-03-31

    Okay... On the very next autocommit, it happened again! It took me 20 minutes to regain enough control over the computer to do a controlled shutdown, with the kernel complaining the whole time about a hung process and bash complaining that it couldn't get any response from its scripts.

    But this time the crash popup might have given a bit of useful information:

    "Assert failure:(?) at something in buildmanager.cpp:1093"

    Hope this helps. This is REALLY frustrating today. We can't get any work done!

    • Jan  Sundermeyer

      Jan Sundermeyer - 2014-03-31

      The problem is that if I can't reproduce the issue here or get a good
      hint what goes wrong, fixing it is difficult.

      I personally use the autocheck-in feature in my daily work for years and
      I have never had any trouble.

      So, we need some more info:

      1) where is your repository ? local or on a server
      2) is the svn response time slow ?
      3) does svn generate errors itself ? (locked database, etc ...)

      On 31.03.2014 20:50, Blackhawke wrote:

      Okay... On the very next autocommit, it happened again! It took me 20
      minutes to regain enough control over the computer to do a controlled
      shutdown, with the kernel complaining the whole time about a hung
      process and bash complaining that it couldn't get any response from its

      But this time the crash popup might have given a bit of useful information:

      "Assert failure:(?) at something in buildmanager.cpp:1093"

      Hope this helps. This is REALLY frustrating today. We can't get any work

      [bugs:#909] SVN repo
      error crashes whole desktop, Ubuntu 12.04

      Status: open
      Labels: svn linux ubuntu unity
      Created: Mon Feb 24, 2014 09:37 PM UTC by Anonymous
      Last Updated: Mon Mar 31, 2014 06:13 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      TeXstudio does not properly handle internal SVN errors. It freezes, and
      freezes the entire (unity) desktop, requiring a reboot to clear up the
      problem. We've had this happen a half a dozen times since starting our
      latest project.

      These are not critical errors in the repo, either. They're simply
      problems in the working directory that SVN easily clears up itself by
      running the "cleanup". These kinds of errors need to be handled much
      more gracefully.

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



      Bugs: #909

  • Benito van der Zander

    Which txs version do you use? Have you compiled it yourself? What is in line 1093 of buildmanager.cpp?

    • Blackhawke

      Blackhawke - 2014-03-31

      The repo is local, so no, the response time is not usually slow.

      And no, SVN is not having any issues beyond stale lock files in the
      affected working directory.

      I'm on my tablet right now so I don't know what version of txs in running,
      but it's the one in your debian repository. That's the one apt is pointed
      at. (You can also check my other svn related but. I believe I put that info
      in that but report.) I'll double check when I get to the office in the
      On Mar 31, 2014 1:32 PM, "Benito van der Zander"

      Which txs version do you use? Have you compiled it yourself? What is in
      line 1093 of buildmanager.cpp?

      Status: open
      Labels: svn linux ubuntu unity
      Created: Mon Feb 24, 2014 09:37 PM UTC by Anonymous
      Last Updated: Mon Mar 31, 2014 06:50 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      TeXstudio does not properly handle internal SVN errors. It freezes, and
      freezes the entire (unity) desktop, requiring a reboot to clear up the
      problem. We've had this happen a half a dozen times since starting our
      latest project.

      These are not critical errors in the repo, either. They're simply problems
      in the working directory that SVN easily clears up itself by running the
      "cleanup". These kinds of errors need to be handled much more gracefully.

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



      Bugs: #909

    • Blackhawke

      Blackhawke - 2014-04-01

      Okay, double checked version stuff this morning. I'm running:

      TeXstudio 2.6.6 (hg 4099)
      Using Qt Version 4.8.1, compiled with Qt 4.8.1 D

      Which should be the latest version on launchpad, since that's the repo I'm
      pointed at.

      On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 1:32 PM, Benito van der Zander wrote:

      Which txs version do you use? Have you compiled it yourself? What is in
      line 1093 of buildmanager.cpp?

      Status: open
      Labels: svn linux ubuntu unity
      Created: Mon Feb 24, 2014 09:37 PM UTC by Anonymous
      Last Updated: Mon Mar 31, 2014 06:50 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      TeXstudio does not properly handle internal SVN errors. It freezes, and
      freezes the entire (unity) desktop, requiring a reboot to clear up the
      problem. We've had this happen a half a dozen times since starting our
      latest project.

      These are not critical errors in the repo, either. They're simply problems
      in the working directory that SVN easily clears up itself by running the
      "cleanup". These kinds of errors need to be handled much more gracefully.

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



      Bugs: #909

  • Benito van der Zander

    TeXstudio 2.6.6 (hg 4099)

    Well, you should be using 2.7.0 now.

    You can download the newest version from the txs homepage (you can try lol)

    I think I fixed the whole desktop crash

    compiled with Qt 4.8.1 D

    Then it is a debug build.

    The release build should work fine, since the problem in line 1093 is:

    REQUIRE(p); //p can be NULL (although sender() is not null) ! If multiple single instance viewers are in a command. Why? should not happen

    assert check for p being not NULL

    • Blackhawke

      Blackhawke - 2014-04-01

      Hurm... Well.. Is there a repo that I can use? I mean, the whole reason I
      pointed to the launchpad repo is so that I would stay current. :-/

      On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 10:02 AM, Benito van der Zander wrote:

      TeXstudio 2.6.6 (hg 4099)

      Well, you should be using 2.7.0 now.

      You can download the newest version from the txs homepage (you can try lol)

      I think I fixed the whole desktop crash

      compiled with Qt 4.8.1 D

      Then it is a debug build.

      The release build should work fine, since the problem in line 1093 is:

      REQUIRE(p); //p can be NULL (although sender() is not null) ! If multiple single instance viewers are in a command. Why? should not happen

      assert check for p being not NULL

      Status: open
      Labels: svn linux ubuntu unity
      Created: Mon Feb 24, 2014 09:37 PM UTC by Anonymous
      Last Updated: Mon Mar 31, 2014 08:32 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      TeXstudio does not properly handle internal SVN errors. It freezes, and
      freezes the entire (unity) desktop, requiring a reboot to clear up the
      problem. We've had this happen a half a dozen times since starting our
      latest project.

      These are not critical errors in the repo, either. They're simply problems
      in the working directory that SVN easily clears up itself by running the
      "cleanup". These kinds of errors need to be handled much more gracefully.

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



      Bugs: #909

    • Blackhawke

      Blackhawke - 2014-04-01

      Okay... So, supposedly the ppa that I'm pointed at ( is maintained by "blahota", who is a dev on this project (?), but I didn't get the 2.7 update, nor the 2.7.0-1 update. Is that ppa no longer being maintained?

      According to the official Ubuntu forums, txs is officially included in the software center as of 12.10, but that leaves those of us on 12.04lts out of the "official" loop. I don't really care, but I hope there's another ppa so I don't have to start manually watching for updates.

  • Blackhawke

    Blackhawke - 2014-04-02

    Final update on the updating thing and PPAs.

    Just for kicks I downloaded 2.7.0-1 for deb and tried to do a manual update. No good. There are unresolved dependencies with Ubuntu 12.0.4lts. So I either need a PPA for Precise or I'm going to have to build manually, which I'd rather not do for obvious reasons.

  • Blackhawke

    Blackhawke - 2014-04-02

    I finally got a couple of backtrace logs this last time. They're almost identical:

    Assert failure: (p) at something in buildmanager.cpp:1093
    [bt] texstudio(_Z15print_backtraceRK7QString+0) [0x68d650]

    Assert failure: (p) at something in buildmanager.cpp:1093 (TXS-Version D )
    [bt] texstudio(_Z15print_backtraceRK7QString+0) [0x68d650]

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2014-04-02

    you downlowded the wrong deb-file.
    Try here: -> download

    • Blackhawke

      Blackhawke - 2014-04-02

      That's where I went to download. Right there on sourceforge. It may be
      compatible with debian, but it's not compatible with Ubuntu 12.04lts.

      On 4/2/14, Jan Sundermeyer wrote:

      you downlowded the wrong deb-file.
      Try here: -> download

      [bugs:#909] SVN repo error crashes whole desktop, Ubuntu 12.04

      Status: open
      Labels: svn linux ubuntu unity
      Created: Mon Feb 24, 2014 09:37 PM UTC by Anonymous
      Last Updated: Wed Apr 02, 2014 05:28 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      TeXstudio does not properly handle internal SVN errors. It freezes, and
      freezes the entire (unity) desktop, requiring a reboot to clear up the
      problem. We've had this happen a half a dozen times since starting our
      latest project.

      These are not critical errors in the repo, either. They're simply problems
      in the working directory that SVN easily clears up itself by running the
      "cleanup". These kinds of errors need to be handled much more gracefully.

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

      Metaphor Publications

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      Bugs: #909

      • Jan  Sundermeyer

        Jan Sundermeyer - 2014-04-02

        the address looks similar, but it is not. leads to a texstudio web site, not
        the sourceforge developer site (
        On the web site, for nearly every linux system, a special deb is
        offered. You need to choose the correct one for ubuntu 12.04.


        On 02.04.2014 21:44, Blackhawke wrote:

        That's where I went to download. Right there on sourceforge. It may be
        compatible with debian, but it's not compatible with Ubuntu 12.04lts.

        On 4/2/14, Jan Sundermeyer wrote:

        you downlowded the wrong deb-file.
        Try here: -> download
        *[bugs:#909] <> SVN repo
        error crashes whole desktop, Ubuntu 12.04*
        *Status:* open
        *Labels:* svn linux ubuntu unity
        *Created:* Mon Feb 24, 2014 09:37 PM UTC by Anonymous
        *Last Updated:* Wed Apr 02, 2014 05:28 PM UTC
        *Owner:* nobody
        TeXstudio does not properly handle internal SVN errors. It freezes, and
        freezes the entire (unity) desktop, requiring a reboot to clear up the
        problem. We've had this happen a half a dozen times since starting our
        latest project.
        These are not critical errors in the repo, either. They're simply
        in the working directory that SVN easily clears up itself by running the
        "cleanup". These kinds of errors need to be handled much more
        Sent from because you indicated interest in
        To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

        Metaphor Publications

        Add me to your address book:


        [bugs:#909] SVN repo
        error crashes whole desktop, Ubuntu 12.04

        Status: open
        Labels: svn linux ubuntu unity
        Created: Mon Feb 24, 2014 09:37 PM UTC by Anonymous
        Last Updated: Wed Apr 02, 2014 06:54 PM UTC
        Owner: nobody

        TeXstudio does not properly handle internal SVN errors. It freezes, and
        freezes the entire (unity) desktop, requiring a reboot to clear up the
        problem. We've had this happen a half a dozen times since starting our
        latest project.

        These are not critical errors in the repo, either. They're simply
        problems in the working directory that SVN easily clears up itself by
        running the "cleanup". These kinds of errors need to be handled much
        more gracefully.

        Sent from because you indicated interest in

        To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



        Bugs: #909

        • Blackhawke

          Blackhawke - 2014-04-02

          Oh, I see. Well... What's wrong with the site? I can't click on anything.
          The menus keep jumping around every time I get closer to the link. I've
          used both FireFox and Chrome and I get the same results. I've never had
          that problem on any other website.

          On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 12:54 PM, Jan Sundermeyer

          the address looks similar, but it is not.

 leads to a texstudio web site, not
          the sourceforge developer site (
          On the web site, for nearly every linux system, a special deb is
          offered. You need to choose the correct one for ubuntu 12.04.


          On 02.04.2014 21:44, Blackhawke wrote:

          That's where I went to download. Right there on sourceforge. It may be
          compatible with debian, but it's not compatible with Ubuntu 12.04lts.

          On 4/2/14, Jan Sundermeyer

          you downlowded the wrong deb-file.Try here: -> download

          [bugs:#909] SVN repoerror crashes whole desktop, Ubuntu 12.04
          Status: openGroup:Labels: svn linux ubuntu unityCreated: Mon Feb 24, 2014 09:37 PM UTC by AnonymousLast Updated: Wed Apr 02, 2014 05:28 PM UTCOwner: nobody

          TeXstudio does not properly handle internal SVN errors. It freezes, andfreezes the entire (unity) desktop, requiring a reboot to clear up theproblem. We've had this happen a half a dozen times since starting ourlatest project.
          These are not critical errors in the repo, either. They're simplyproblemsin the working directory that SVN easily clears up itself by running the"cleanup". These kinds of errors need to be handled much moregracefully.

          Sent from because you indicated interest in
          To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

          Metaphor Publications

          Add me to your address book:


 SVN repo

          • error crashes whole desktop, Ubuntu 12.04*

          Status: open
          Labels: svn linux ubuntu unity
          Created: Mon Feb 24, 2014 09:37 PM UTC by Anonymous
          Last Updated: Wed Apr 02, 2014 06:54 PM UTC
          Owner: nobody

          TeXstudio does not properly handle internal SVN errors. It freezes, and
          freezes the entire (unity) desktop, requiring a reboot to clear up the
          problem. We've had this happen a half a dozen times since starting our
          latest project.

          These are not critical errors in the repo, either. They're simply
          problems in the working directory that SVN easily clears up itself by
          running the "cleanup". These kinds of errors need to be handled much
          more gracefully.

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

          To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

          Status: open
          Labels: svn linux ubuntu unity
          Created: Mon Feb 24, 2014 09:37 PM UTC by Anonymous
          Last Updated: Wed Apr 02, 2014 06:54 PM UTC
          Owner: nobody

          TeXstudio does not properly handle internal SVN errors. It freezes, and
          freezes the entire (unity) desktop, requiring a reboot to clear up the
          problem. We've had this happen a half a dozen times since starting our
          latest project.

          These are not critical errors in the repo, either. They're simply problems
          in the working directory that SVN easily clears up itself by running the
          "cleanup". These kinds of errors need to be handled much more gracefully.

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

          To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



          Bugs: #909

  • Benito van der Zander

    What's wrong with the site?

    1st April!

    • Blackhawke

      Blackhawke - 2014-04-02

      That was yesterday, dud(ette). LOL! Today's the 2nd and it's still
      fooling me. :P

      On 4/2/14, Benito van der Zander wrote:

      What's wrong with the site?

      1st April!

      [bugs:#909] SVN repo error crashes whole desktop, Ubuntu 12.04

      Status: open
      Labels: svn linux ubuntu unity
      Created: Mon Feb 24, 2014 09:37 PM UTC by Anonymous
      Last Updated: Wed Apr 02, 2014 06:54 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      TeXstudio does not properly handle internal SVN errors. It freezes, and
      freezes the entire (unity) desktop, requiring a reboot to clear up the
      problem. We've had this happen a half a dozen times since starting our
      latest project.

      These are not critical errors in the repo, either. They're simply problems
      in the working directory that SVN easily clears up itself by running the
      "cleanup". These kinds of errors need to be handled much more gracefully.

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

      Metaphor Publications

      Add me to your address book:



      Bugs: #909

  • Benito van der Zander

    You probably just see an old version.

    Clear your cache or so

    • Blackhawke

      Blackhawke - 2014-04-03

      Yup. Now I feel REALLY bright!

      Okay. Got it. Upgraded (that April 1st timing sucked!), and now we'll see.
      You folks should still look into getting a PPA going, or upgrading the
      other one. :)

      On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 1:42 PM, Benito van der Zander <


      You probably just see an old version.

      Clear your cache or so

      • [bugs:#909] SVN repo error crashes whole desktop, Ubuntu 12.04*

      Status: open
      Labels: svn linux ubuntu unity
      Created: Mon Feb 24, 2014 09:37 PM UTC by Anonymous
      Last Updated: Wed Apr 02, 2014 08:31 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      TeXstudio does not properly handle internal SVN errors. It freezes, and
      freezes the entire (unity) desktop, requiring a reboot to clear up the
      problem. We've had this happen a half a dozen times since starting our
      latest project.

      These are not critical errors in the repo, either. They're simply problems
      in the working directory that SVN easily clears up itself by running the
      "cleanup". These kinds of errors need to be handled much more gracefully.

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



      Bugs: #909

      • Jan  Sundermeyer

        Jan Sundermeyer - 2014-04-03

        using a ppa is not very comfortable and it is only ubuntu centric. I
        like the opensuse build service much better, don't know whether that can
        be included into ubuntu somehow for automatic upgrades ...


        On 03.04.2014 18:10, Blackhawke wrote:

        Yup. Now I feel REALLY bright!

        Okay. Got it. Upgraded (that April 1st timing sucked!), and now we'll see.
        You folks should still look into getting a PPA going, or upgrading the
        other one. :)

        On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 1:42 PM, Benito van der Zander <

        You probably just see an old version.
            Clear your cache or so
          * [bugs:#909] <> SVN
            repo error crashes whole desktop, Ubuntu 12.04*
        /Status:/ open
        /Labels:/ svn linux ubuntu unity
        /Created:/ Mon Feb 24, 2014 09:37 PM UTC by Anonymous
        /Last Updated:/ Wed Apr 02, 2014 08:31 PM UTC
        /Owner:/ nobody
        TeXstudio does not properly handle internal SVN errors. It freezes, and
        freezes the entire (unity) desktop, requiring a reboot to clear up the
        problem. We've had this happen a half a dozen times since starting our
        latest project.
        These are not critical errors in the repo, either. They're simply
        in the working directory that SVN easily clears up itself by running the
        "cleanup". These kinds of errors need to be handled much more
        Sent from because you indicated interest in
        To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

        [bugs:#909] SVN repo
        error crashes whole desktop, Ubuntu 12.04

        Status: open
        Labels: svn linux ubuntu unity
        Created: Mon Feb 24, 2014 09:37 PM UTC by Anonymous
        Last Updated: Wed Apr 02, 2014 08:38 PM UTC
        Owner: nobody

        TeXstudio does not properly handle internal SVN errors. It freezes, and
        freezes the entire (unity) desktop, requiring a reboot to clear up the
        problem. We've had this happen a half a dozen times since starting our
        latest project.

        These are not critical errors in the repo, either. They're simply
        problems in the working directory that SVN easily clears up itself by
        running the "cleanup". These kinds of errors need to be handled much
        more gracefully.

        Sent from because you indicated interest in

        To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



        Bugs: #909

        • Blackhawke

          Blackhawke - 2014-04-05

          Oh, probably not, and for the same reason that the Ubuntu build has to be
          different than the Debian build. The problem with not using PPAs (by
          whatever name, for whatever distribution) is that it requires folks to
          manually go and look for updates. I remember those days, but now-a-days
          folks are used to their software being updated "automatically." It
          certainly eliminates time wasting bug reports like this one of mine.

          Speaking of which, I think you can probably mark this as "solved" or
          whatever. I haven't had any problems since upgrading. If I find a similar
          bug in 2.7.X I'll open a new bug report.

          On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 10:05 AM, Jan Sundermeyer

          using a ppa is not very comfortable and it is only ubuntu centric. I
          like the opensuse build service much better, don't know whether that can
          be included into ubuntu somehow for automatic upgrades ...


          On 03.04.2014 18:10, Blackhawke wrote:

          Yup. Now I feel REALLY bright!

          Okay. Got it. Upgraded (that April 1st timing sucked!), and now we'll see.
          You folks should still look into getting a PPA going, or upgrading the
          other one. :)

          On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 1:42 PM, Benito van der Zander <

          You probably just see an old version.

          Clear your cache or so
          • [bugs:#909] SVN

            repo error crashes whole desktop, Ubuntu 12.04*
            /Status:/ open/Group://Labels:/ svn linux ubuntu unity/Created:/ Mon Feb 24, 2014 09:37 PM UTC by Anonymous/Last Updated:/ Wed Apr 02, 2014 08:31 PM UTC/Owner:/ nobody

          TeXstudio does not properly handle internal SVN errors. It freezes, andfreezes the entire (unity) desktop, requiring a reboot to clear up theproblem. We've had this happen a half a dozen times since starting ourlatest project.
          These are not critical errors in the repo, either. They're simplyproblemsin the working directory that SVN easily clears up itself by running the"cleanup". These kinds of errors need to be handled much moregracefully.

          Sent from because you indicated interest in
          To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit


 SVN repo

          • error crashes whole desktop, Ubuntu 12.04*

          Status: open
          Labels: svn linux ubuntu unity
          Created: Mon Feb 24, 2014 09:37 PM UTC by Anonymous
          Last Updated: Wed Apr 02, 2014 08:38 PM UTC
          Owner: nobody

          TeXstudio does not properly handle internal SVN errors. It freezes, and
          freezes the entire (unity) desktop, requiring a reboot to clear up the
          problem. We've had this happen a half a dozen times since starting our
          latest project.

          These are not critical errors in the repo, either. They're simply
          problems in the working directory that SVN easily clears up itself by
          running the "cleanup". These kinds of errors need to be handled much
          more gracefully.

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

          To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

          Status: open
          Labels: svn linux ubuntu unity
          Created: Mon Feb 24, 2014 09:37 PM UTC by Anonymous
          Last Updated: Wed Apr 02, 2014 08:38 PM UTC
          Owner: nobody

          TeXstudio does not properly handle internal SVN errors. It freezes, and
          freezes the entire (unity) desktop, requiring a reboot to clear up the
          problem. We've had this happen a half a dozen times since starting our
          latest project.

          These are not critical errors in the repo, either. They're simply problems
          in the working directory that SVN easily clears up itself by running the
          "cleanup". These kinds of errors need to be handled much more gracefully.

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

          To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



          Bugs: #909

          • Tim Hoffmann

            Tim Hoffmann - 2014-04-05

            IMHO, maintaining PPAs or other platform and/or distribution specific repositories is too much extra work for the few authors that we are. However, voluntaries for such a job are highly welcome.

            Note also, that we have a platfrom independent update notification mechanism built into TXS (just a notification, you'll still have to install yourself). There was however the issue that the increased popularity of TXS made sourceforge interpreting the update checks as DDoS and blocking the requests. In 2.7.0 we had to rework the update procedure to cope with this issue. This means that the update check in versions < 2.7.0 is not functional any more and won't notify you on the 2.7.0 or higher releases. But if you have installed 2.7.0 you will again get update notifiactions on future releases.


            Last edit: Tim Hoffmann 2014-04-05
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