
#1406 Copy Paste Windows 7 64Bit TeXstudio 2.9.4


Copy and Paste in TeXstudio are not working.
When I copy something in TeXstudio, I can't paste it in TexStudio or in any other Editor.
When I copy something vom Notepad++, I can paste it in TexStudio.

Same thing for cut.


  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2015-08-17
    • Which version of TXS are you using?
    • How do you copy? Shortcut, menu, context menu?
    • Does it only apply to the editor component or to all fields in TXS, e.g. does copying from the search field work?
  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2015-08-30

    no feedback

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2015-08-30
    • status: open --> works-for-me
    • Group: -->
  • Rehab Massoud

    Rehab Massoud - 2017-06-22

    The same problem occured with me on linux as well after I was using the same texstudio instance for long time. Restarting the application solved the problem. It seems there are some buffer that got full after so much usage of copy that it doesn't accept new copied entries again.


    Last edit: Rehab Massoud 2017-06-22
    • Tim Hoffmann

      Tim Hoffmann - 2017-06-22
      • Which version of TXS are you using?
      • How do you copy? Shortcut, menu, context menu?
      • Does it only apply to the editor component or to all fields in TXS, e.g. does copying from the search field work?
      • Rehab Massoud

        Rehab Massoud - 2017-06-26

        On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 10:51 PM, Tim Hoffmann

        • Which version of TXS are you using?

        TeXstudio 2.10.8 (hg 5802:5ee1d048e556)
        Using Qt Version 5.5.1, compiled with Qt 5.5.1 R

        • How do you copy? Shortcut, menu, context menu?

        All those besides the control buttons.

        • Does it only apply to the editor component or to all fields in TXS,
          e.g. does copying from the search field work?

        I'm not sure I tried the search field, but as far as I remember nothing
        worked except pasting from another external application. Pasting from
        outside work but no copy worked.

        Status: works-for-me
        Created: Mon Aug 17, 2015 02:18 PM UTC by Anonymous
        Last Updated: Thu Jun 22, 2017 02:53 PM UTC
        Owner: nobody

        Copy and Paste in TeXstudio are not working.
        When I copy something in TeXstudio, I can't paste it in TexStudio or in
        any other Editor.
        When I copy something vom Notepad++, I can paste it in TexStudio.

        Same thing for cut.

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      • Johannes Kalliauer

        * Which version of TXS are you using?

        texstudio --version
        QSocketNotifier: Can only be used with threads started with QThread
        TeXstudio 3.1.2 ()
        • How do you copy? Shortcut, menu, context menu?
          Tried all three for pasting, but none of them is working.

        • Does it only apply to the editor component or to all fields in TXS, e.g. does copying from the search field work?
          I tried it in in the editor and aswell in the search field, both did not work for pasting


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