
#1145 unexpected crash: 688ff0eb



TexStudio keeps crashing completely unexpected. Most often though when i try to compile my latex files. This seems not to be related to the files itself (as i can compile them with the command line and with other IDEs). also it is not certain documents, it happens to document x a couple times and works with document y immediately. and than again with document x immediately and not at all with document y.
it also happened while writing - so not only when compiling. but maybe it is related to some kind of auto-save?
anyway. i would appreciate if you could look into that.
the version i'm using: TeXstudio 2.8.6 (hg 4748:330327fcc9c9)
Using Qt Version 5.3.1, compiled with Qt 5.3.1 R

on windows 7, SP1 - all updates installed.
i also attached a screen of the error message i get.

keep up the good work, texstudio is awesome!

1 Attachments


  • MrLuke

    MrLuke - 2014-11-12

    Sorry, my bad. I didn't realize until just now that this is the same bug as bug #1142.
    but the problem is the same!

    the most recent stack trace:
    EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at 688ff0eb (TXS-Version 4748:330327fcc9c9 R )
    [bt] 005446e0 ??? error: 487
    [bt] 688ff0eb ZNK7QString13isRightToLeftEv+27
    [bt] 61ef63bc ZN6QLabel9setPixmapERK7QPixmap+1004
    [bt] 61ef6994 ZNK6QLabel15minimumSizeHintEv+68
    [bt] 61ef6a45 ZNK6QLabel8sizeHintEv+21
    [bt] 61de8288 ZNK13QWidgetItemV211maximumSizeEv+72
    [bt] 61dd90d8 ZNK10QBoxLayout11maximumSizeEv+24
    [bt] 61dd90d8 ZNK10QBoxLayout11maximumSizeEv+24
    [bt] 61dd9668 ZN10QBoxLayout11setGeometryERK5QRect+728
    [bt] 61de46ff ZN14QLayoutPrivate8doResizeERK5QSize+111
    [bt] 61de5c2a ZN7QLayout8activateEv+218
    [bt] 61de5e29 ZN7QLayout11widgetEventEP6QEvent+121
    [bt] 61dc846c ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent+92
    [bt] 61dcd1e7 ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+839
    [bt] 68a37fa1 ZN16QCoreApplication14notifyInternalEP7QObjectP6QEvent+97
    [bt] 68a3b366 ZN23QCoreApplicationPrivate16sendPostedEventsEP7QObjectiP11QThreadData+438
    [bt] 68a3ba37 ZN16QCoreApplication16sendPostedEventsEP7QObjecti+39
    [bt] 761f62fa gapfnScSendMessage+818
    [bt] 761f6d3a GetThreadDesktop+215
    [bt] 761f77c4 CharPrevW+312
    [bt] 761f788a DispatchMessageW+15
    [bt] 68a7e028 ZN21QEventDispatcherWin3213processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE+2120
    [bt] 6a8a7be7 ??? error: 487
    [bt] 68a382b4 ZN16QCoreApplication13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE+36
    [bt] 004075e0 ??? error: 487
    [bt] 0041ebbf ??? error: 487
    [bt] 0041e896 ??? error: 487
    [bt] 0043a2ad ??? error: 487
    [bt] 0047efad ??? error: 487
    [bt] 0074c6c3 ??? error: 487
    [bt] 68a57273 ZN11QMetaObject8activateEP7QObjectiiPPv+1779
    [bt] 0074d744 ??? error: 487
    [bt] 0041ecb8 ??? error: 487
    [bt] 0041e896 ??? error: 487
    [bt] 00478213 ??? error: 487
    [bt] 004784b3 ??? error: 487
    [bt] 0074c5c1 ??? error: 487
    [bt] 68a57273 ZN11QMetaObject8activateEP7QObjectiiPPv+1779
    [bt] 61dc3ba7 ZN7QAction8activateENS_11ActionEventE+119
    [bt] 61f6b921 ZN11QToolButton14nextCheckStateEv+33

    i have about 26 more of them ;) and it seems all have the same first three lines:
    EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at 688ff0eb (TXS-Version 4748:330327fcc9c9 R )
    [bt] 005446e0 ??? error: 487
    [bt] 688ff0eb ZNK7QString13isRightToLeftEv+27

    also using standard english (left to right)...

    we can also close this ticket and i add my problem to #1142


    Last edit: MrLuke 2014-11-12
  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2014-11-12

    closing as duplicate to bug 1143. Please have a look there for further discussion. In particular

  • Tim Hoffmann

    Tim Hoffmann - 2014-11-12
    • status: open --> duplicate
    • Group: -->

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