
#1061 Editor Delay in Large Files


Running version 2.8.2 on Xubuntu 14.04, 4GB of RAM and a decent processor. On large files (doesn't show up in small files), say, 600kb or so, every time I type a dollar sign, there is a 400 to 500 ms delay between when I press the key, and when the symbol appears in the editor. This occurs only when I'm typing in the middle of the document. If I type at the end, there's no delay at all, and that's with 18k lines in the source file (lots of blanks). I have confirmed this with another large file that I've attached. If you try typing math code in the middle of the document, you'll see that there's a delay.

I am postulating that the delay occurs because TeXstudio needs to compute the syntax highlighting for the rest of the file, and is finding that time-consuming. The delay is not quite as bad for the attached file, but you can still see the effect. In my main file, I am also seeing delays when I type in math commands.

I think I have a work-around for my main file: keep the remainder of the file in a separate file, and just copy small pieces of it over to the working file, so that I'm always working near the end.

However, if you could please look into this, I would be most grateful.

1 Attachments


  • Benito van der Zander

    You can press ctrl+shift+m

    It inserts two $ so, it will not need to update everything

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2014-12-13

    the delay comes from the qeditor part.
    Nothing we can do about it.

  • Jan  Sundermeyer

    Jan Sundermeyer - 2014-12-13
    • status: open --> wont-fix
    • Group: -->

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