
#5 Possibility to select columns for the table view


We work with a lot of customer fields and with the table view. To improve the usage of the view we like to change the order of the displayed columns and to exclude some columns from the table. This modification includes custom and default fields. E.g. some of our test cases contain tables with 20+ rows, this enlarges the test catalog table and makes it difficult to see the important information.


  • Roberto Longobardi

    • assigned_to: nobody --> seccanj
    • status: open --> pending
  • Roberto Longobardi

    Hi anonymous :D

    this and the other enhancements you have opened are nice ideas, and I found some time to work on them.

    Please, find in the download section a beta 1.5.1 release with the following features:

    * New sections in the Admin panel for Test Manager with the ability to:
    - Select the default view for Test Catalogs and Test Plans, either Tree or Table view.
    - Select which columns to show or hide in the tabular view for Test Catalogs or Test Plans.
    - Select which operation to perform on any column so that a "totals" row is added at the bottom of the tabular view with: Sum, Average, Count of non-empy values, for the column.

    * Tabular views for Test Catalogs and Test Plans now can have a "totals" row with the Sum, Avarage or Count of any column as specified in the admin panel or directly in trac.ini

    With these enhancements, you can now add a custom field in the Test Case, by writing the following in trac.ini:

    exectime = text
    exectime.label = Test execution time
    exectime.value =

    and specify a "Sum" operation on the corrisponding column in the Admin panel for Test Manager.

    By opening the corrisponding Test Catalog or Test Plan tabular view you will see the execution times summed up at the bottom of the table.

    Please, let me know if this helps with your scenario, and what you think about the usability of the things.

    I would like to work on the "modify test plan" feature next, but this may be a littlebit harder.
    How do you think this should work, from a user scenario perspective? Would you open the Test Plan and... do what?


  • Roberto Longobardi

    • status: pending --> closed
  • Roberto Longobardi

    Implemented in 1.5.1.

    Check out the tutorial on Youtube, which also covers this customization :D