
Agilo vs Test Manger plugin

  • Russ DeWolfe

    Russ DeWolfe - 2011-01-07

    If we are already using Agilo, which is built on Trac, does this exclude us from using your application/code?
    Considering Agilo is where management wants all test information to live?
    We could make links in Agilo, but it would be nice to have it all live together and view test cases /catalogs etc. in one view.

    Do you know where I can find a python module to interact with Agilo so I can look up a bug while running automated test cases and see if it is opened or closed?

  • Roberto Longobardi

    I'm glad to tell you that Test Manager is fully compatible with Agilo.

    I have them running side by side on my python 2.6 Trac 0.12.1 without any problem.

    I agree with you, the same environment should be used to keep both test cases and USer stories and other stuff.

    There is currently no integration between the two worlds, but with the recent Test Manager features of:
    * custom properties supported in test cases, catalogs and plans,
    * workflow support,
    * programmatic and RESTful API,
    I'm sure something can be built very quickly.

    If you like I may work with you on this type of integration…

    As per your second question, I'm aware of Bitten, a continuous integration framework, also based on Trac, which you should be able to run side-by-side with Agilo too:

    Let me know what you think. Ciao!

  • Russ DeWolfe

    Russ DeWolfe - 2011-01-07

    I am looking for more of a .py library that will allow me to query Agilo. Not a CI tool. Any ideas?

  • Roberto Longobardi

    I think you should use the XML-RPC Plugin, which allows you to query Trac about tickets and other stuff from the outside:

    You can then write easy python code (see the examples in the page above) that completely masks this XML-RPC stuff… for you is just as if it were a python library.


  • Roberto Longobardi

    I recently added a complete XML-RPC interface for the test management tool.

    If you still need to programmatically interface with Trac objects, here you will find out how:



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