
More than OCR

  • Belu84

    Belu84 - 2011-02-16


    First of all I want to apologize for my bad English.

    I know that Tesseract are one of the bests Linux OCR but I want more than an OCR tool. I need a data capture software.

    I want to scan a lot of documents and use a data capture software (as Kofax) to classify these. This software must capture other kinds of documents (for example mails) but the main documents are scanned documents. The features of the software are the follows:

    - a good OCR and a good ICR
    - reads barcode
    - cleans the documents
    - classification of documents according to content
    - …

    There is any tool that integrates Tesseract OCR (or either) and does all of this?

    Thanks and sorry for my English again.

  • Steve

    Steve - 2012-02-21

    If you're still looking, I recommend PSI:Capture Data Capture Software as an alternative. It offers everything that you need. Not sure bout the Tesseract OCR however.


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