



Engine 0.1 : Enhanced map editor

  • Client :
    • Clean up client source code : delete source code of old Character creation screen and delete PAWN option.
    • Use NEW_TEXTURES option on client and map editor
  • Tools :
    • Adapt Cal3D export script for Blender 2.6x to use it with Client ( TTE, Eternal Lands, Landes Eternelles).
    • Choose tools to create contents as map :
      • Improve the actual map editor with new GUI and new possibilities ?
      • Use another map editor as Tiled (2D tile editor) with a map compiler (to transform 2D map in ELM 3D map format) ?
      • Other ...

The Pit, Demo game 0.1 : first map

  • Create 3D objects for mapping : walls, ground tiles, doors, furnitures.
  • Create first map with Freelands server.

Web site

  • Choose between Allura wiki and Mediawiki for engine documentation.
  • Migrate Mediawiki hosted apps (of to new wiki


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