
Multilingual Thesaurus with Xampp 1.7.4

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-04-19

    I'm trying to import (create) a multilingual thesaurus - but i have some problems to get it working!

    I tried to import the GEMET Thesaurus as a SKOS-Core but i did not succeded- also my own SKOS file didn't work

    I was able to import a txt file but there i found no possibility to define languages or relations over categories:


    i want to state, that both Trees are one concept (the same) plus i want to add the different Languages.

    I might have some problems with the Xampp or PHP version becuase i get also the error message in the appache log:

      PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: _SESSION in C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\tematres\\common\\include\\fun.gral.php on line 783, referer: http://localhost/tematres/vocab/admin.php?doAdmin=import_skos
      PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant debugMode - assumed 'debugMode' in C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\tematres\\common\\include\\fun.gral.php on line 678, referer: http://localhost/tematres/vocab/admin.php?doAdmin=import_skos

    When i configure session.auto_start=0 i get a different error message and i cannot even load the index.php

    (an other idear is to manipulate the data directly in the database but i couldn't find a description..)

    would appreciate the help
    Regards Paul

    XAMPP 1.7.4
    PHP: 5.3.5
    Tematres 1.3

  • diego

    diego - 2011-04-19

    Hi Paul, to import Skos-core from GEMET source… do yo need replace the tag <skos:Description …. to tag <skos:Concept  in the rdf file. To see examples see please this NASA source:

    Create a multiligual vocabulary
    You can see spanish version of this text in:

    Since version 1.2 of TemaTres there are two possible models to implement multilngual controlled vocabulary:
    1) Model based on a one central vocabulary and many target vocabularies
    2) Federated model

    Model with central vocabulary:
    This model contains in the same vocabulary the terms from source vocabulary and the equivalence to the terms in target vocabularies. All vocabularies (source and target vocabulary vocabulary) are managed by the same instance of TemaTres.
    This option is useful if the target vocabulary does not exist or the terminology services are not available or there are incomplete terminological correspondences.

    How to register a target vocabulary:
    1) Login as administrator TemaTres.
    2) Main Menu -> Administration -> vocabulary configuration -> add reference vocabulary.
    3) Fill in the form the descriptive metadata for target vocabulary (may be changed later.)

    How to create a terminological relation between controlled vocabularies
    1) Find the term in our source vocabulary from which you want to create an terminological relation 
    2) Go to Options menu (in the term) -> Relations between vocabularies -> target vocabulary.
    3) Fill the corresponding term to the target vocabulary.
    4) Select the target vocabulary
    5) Set the type of terminological (total equivalence, partial equivalence, nonequivalence)

    Federated  Model:
    This model allows to establish independent relationships between different vocabularies or languages, whether equivalence relations between languages or other possible relationships between terms and concepts. Each of the vocabularies of destination (target vocabulary) should be able to offer web services according to the TemaTres pattern terminology services. Through these services, the source vocabulary can search terms in the target vocabularies and establish relationships between terms.
    This option can be useful for medium and large projects managed by multilingual terminologist team.

    Registering a target vocabulary:

    1) Login as administrator TemaTres.
    2) Main Menu -> Administration -> vocabulary configuration -> add reference vocabulary remote (via web services).
    3) Record the following information:
    - Key reference: the legend will appear on screen next to each term
    - Tag Reference: is a label describing the type of relationship terminology (eg EQ, EQP)
    - Language: language code of the vocabulary of reference (target vocabulary)
    - URL of web service terminology: URL from which the reference vocabulary TemaTres offers web services terminology. The service must be enabled on the target vocabulary (target vocabulary). EJ:

    How to create a terminological equivalence
    1) Find the word in the vocabulary of origin (source vocabulary), bone … our vocabulary, from which you want to create an equivalence relation terminology
    2) Go to Options menu (the term) -> Relations between vocabularies -> remote target vocabulary (web services).
    3) Select the reference vocabulary (vocabulary target) with which to establish a terminological relationship
    4) Search it in the target vocabulary.


    I already migrate GEMET to tematres 1.3, you can see it in Wich language do you need? may I can send to you SQL dump…

    best regards

    diego ferreyra

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-06-14

    Hi diego,

    Thank you for your detailed answer!

    I still have troubles making it work. I tried to connect the words with "Relations between vocabularies" but i think i have a problem by setting up the reference vocabulary…  so i cannot find this option

    I also tried one more time to import the Vocabulary in SKOS format and it worked this time -but without recognizing the languages and the duplicate terms like tree for the two parent terms Forest and Park

    Now I’m thinking maybe the SQL dump will give me some insight in populating the database with sql and testing it with some tematres functions so i would appreciate if your offer still stands.

    (I would be intrested in the languages: English, German,  for example)




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