
tinydns data converter / News: Recent posts

[Development] CVS tree now available

Yes, that's right. CVS is now available for you to access the tdns-conv source. Go ahead, you know you want to!

Posted by Anonymous 2001-07-30

tdns-conv released to the world!

tdns-conv is now available for lunatic developers to hack on. Feel free, it's out there. Once I get my head round the SF system, 0.3.4 with XML output and a fatal bug (!) will be available too. 0.3.3 is offered for historical purposes and because 0.3.4 doesn't work on the file list right now.

Update: Fixed it, 0.3.4 is now also available. Choose one, play with it. Let me know how it goes.

Posted by Anonymous 2001-07-26