
TclXML / News: Recent posts

Version 3.3 in preparation

Version 3.3. including some bug fixes is currently prepared and will be available soon. Planned modifications:

  • Fix memory leak caused by delete DOM nodes
  • Enhancements/corrections for build process
  • Corrections posted since last release
Posted by Wolfgang S. Kechel 2015-06-03

Version 3.2 Released

TclXML version 3.2 is now available.

This version is a significant change to the previous distributions, since TclXML, TclDOM and TclXSLT are now all rolled into a single package.

Posted by Steve Ball 2008-12-16

Version 3.1 Released

Version 3.1 of TclXML, TclDOM and TclXSLT are now available. This version features numerous bug fixes, including fixing crashing bugs and memory leaks.

Posted by Steve Ball 2005-11-04

tkxmllint, tkxsltproc v1.7 Released

tkxmllint and tkxsltproc v1.7 are now available for download.

New features include "Save As" in tkxmllint and selection of character encoding.

Posted by Steve Ball 2004-12-20

tkxmllint, tkxsltproc v1.6 Released

Version 1.6 of tkxmllint and tkxsltproc are now available.

Features improved handling of character encodings, bug fix for system identifiers using relative URI, support for profiling, entity substitution, indenting, and more.

Posted by Steve Ball 2004-09-06

tkxmllint, tkxsltproc 1.5 Released

Version 1.5 of tkxmllint and tkxsltproc have been released. These feature the latest (final) versions of libxml2, libxslt and TclXML/TclDOM/TclXSLT.

Posted by Steve Ball 2004-07-15

Version 3.0 Released

Version 3.0 of TclXML, TclDOM and TclXSLT have been released in their final form... at last!

Available as source, as well as MS Windows and Mac OS X binaries.

Posted by Steve Ball 2004-07-12

tkxmllint, tkxsltproc 1.4 released

Version 1.4 of tkxmllint and tkxsltproc have been released. The Windows binaries are available now and the Mac OS X binaries will be available shortly. The TclXML family of packages provide XML support for the Tcl scripting language. There are several subprojects: TclXML (the parser), TclDOM, TclXSLT and xmlgen.

Posted by Steve Ball 2004-06-16

TclXML, TclDOM and TclXSLT v3.0b2 released

The beta 2 release of TclXML, TclDOM and TclXSLT version 3.0 is now available. The TclXML family of packages provide XML support for the Tcl scripting language. There are several subprojects: TclXML (the parser), TclDOM, TclXSLT and xmlgen.

Posted by Steve Ball 2004-02-26

TclXML, TclDOM and TclXSLT v3.0b1 Released

The first beta release of version 3.0 of the TclXML, TclDOM and TclXSLT packages are now available. Version 3.0 includes refactoring of the libxml2 support, as well as various API additions.

Posted by Steve Ball 2003-12-15

tkxmllint 1.2

tkxmllint 1.2 is now available. New features include XML Schema validation.

Posted by Steve Ball 2003-10-14

TclXML v3.0rc1

Release candidate 1 of version 3.0 of the TclXML package is now available. This release candidate introduces a binding for libxml2 to the TclXML package. This allows an application to use the libxml2 parser class to parse an XML document, setting callbacks in the usual fashion.

No significant changes have been made to the pure-Tcl or expat parser classes. It is planned to perform some bug fixes to the pure-Tcl parser class for release candidate 2.

Posted by Steve Ball 2003-08-20

TclXML version 2.6 released

Version 2.6 of the TclXML, TclDOM and TclXSLT packages are now available. The TclXML family of packages provide XML support for the Tcl scripting language.

Posted by Steve Ball 2003-03-11

TclXML - New Applications Released

Two applications built using TclXML are now available. tkxmllint is a GUI equivalent of libxml2's xmllint command-line tool. tkxsltproc is a GUI equivalent of libxslt's xsltproc. The TclXML family of packages provide XML support for the Tcl scripting language. There are several subprojects: TclXML (the parser), TclDOM, TclXSLT and xmlgen.

Posted by Steve Ball 2003-02-21

Version 2.5 Released

TclXML, TclDOM and TclXSLT version 2.5 are now available for download. This version mainly contains bug fixes.

Posted by Steve Ball 2002-12-10

New Releases

v2.4 of the TclDOM and TclXSLT packages are now available, completing the v2.4 release.

Posted by Steve Ball 2002-11-09

TclXML v2.4 Released

TclXML v2.4 is now available.

This release features a much improved configuration, build and installation system, along with some bug fixes.

Posted by Steve Ball 2002-10-31

TclXML v2.4 Release Candidate 1

TclXML v2.4 Release Candidate 1 is now available for testing.
TclXML provides XML support for the Tcl scripting language. It has a layered architecture, similar to SAX.

Posted by Steve Ball 2002-10-29

Version 2.3 Released

TclXML, TclDOM and TclXSLT version 2.3 are now available. Thanks to Andreas Kupries and David Gravereaux for patches to improve building and stubs.

Posted by Steve Ball 2002-09-12

Version 2.3rc2

TclXML/TclDOM/TclXSLT version 2.3 release candidate 2 is now available for download.

Posted by Steve Ball 2002-09-08

TclDOM v2.3rc1

Release Candidate 1 of TclDOM v2.3 is now available.

Posted by Steve Ball 2002-08-29

TclDOM v2.2, TclXSLT v2.2 Released

TclDOM version 2.2 and TclXSLT version 2.2 have been released. TclDOM has had many improvements to the libxml2 module, plus bug fixes. TclXSLT has had changes to its API for better integration with TclDOM/libxml2.

See the website for more details.

Posted by Steve Ball 2002-08-13

xmlgen 1.3 Released

Harald has released v1.3 of the xmlgen package.

New features include sending outut to a buffer and change in the use of [puts]

Posted by Steve Ball 2002-08-08

xmlgen 1.2 Released

xmlgen v1.2 has been released under the auspices of the TclXML project. Keep up the good work, Harald!

Posted by Steve Ball 2002-05-21

xmlgen Joins TclXML

We welcome Harald Kirsch to the TclXML developer team.

Harald has added the xmlgen subproject to the TclXML CVS repository. We look forward to the first file release!

Posted by Steve Ball 2002-04-28