

This is a major release update. Changes:

1. If using the experimental Toshiba ACPI driver from here:

You can use the tbacklight utility to allow powering off
the display LCD. The tbacklight utility can be as part of the
toshutils package available for many distributions, or from:

To specify that you want to use the tbacklight utility, add the
following to the configuration file (for example):

set tbacklight "/usr/local/bin/tbacklight"

2. You can disable the polling loop entirely by specifying a polling
interval of zero in the configuration file:

set pollInterval 0

When this is done, only screensaver related activities are enabled.

3. Allow disabling the setting of DMA on the CD/DVD (Fn-d) with:

set cd_dvd "/dev/null"

4. The Toshiba "world" button next to the power button now runs
Firefix instead of Mozilla

5. The fan is now automatically controlled (Fn-F2 is effectively disabled).
The temperature thresholds can be set with:

set tempHigh 50
set tempLow 45
set tempOff 40

The tempOff value is only used when the screensaver kicks in, or Fn-b
is used to force an immediate screen blanking.

6. When the screensavers activates (or Fn-b is used), the hard drive will
be automatically idled. If on the AC adapter, the idle time is 2 minutes.
If running on batteries, the idle time is 5 seconds.

7. If the screen saver is not running when the Fn-b key combination is used
for an immediate screen blanking, the xscreensaver and dpms will be
restarted. This is handy if you've disabled the screen saver manually
to watch a movie, for example.

Posted by Anonymous 2005-04-13

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