
#1149 Man page problems in regexp.6

obsolete: 8.3

OriginalBugID: 5037 Bug
Version: 8.3
SubmitDate: '2000-04-12'
LastModified: '2000-04-13'
Severity: MED
Status: Released
Submitter: techsupp
ChangedBy: hobbs
OS: Solaris
OSVersion: 2.6
Machine: UltraSPARC 5
FixedDate: '2000-04-13'
FixedInVersion: 8.3.1
ClosedDate: '2000-10-25'

Larry W. Virden

April 10, 2000 10:06 am EST (or was that EDT?)


reflects a relatively recent NetCVS

I notice that the following sentence is a bit rough:

Causes the command to return the data that would otherwise be placed
in match variables to be returned as a list.

Should this perhaps read
Causes the command to return, as a list, the data that would otherwise
be placed in match variables.

when I do a man -s 6 regexp , the resulting output is misformatted:

-nocase Causes upper-case characters in string to be
treated as lower case during the matching
process. |

all |
| |
Causes the regular expression to be matched |
as many times as possible in the string, |
returning the total number of matches found. |
If this is specified with match variables, |
they will continue information for the last |
match only. |

inline |
| |
Causes the command to return the data that |
would otherwise be placed in match variables |
to be returned as a list. When using |
-inline, match variables may not be speci- |
fied. If used with -all, the list will be |
concatenated at each iteration, such that a |

It _appears_ that the problem begins at the point of the VS macro in the man source:
.TP 15
Changes the behavior of `[^' bracket expressions and `.' so that they
stop at newlines. This is the same as specifying the \fB(?p)\fR
embedded option (see METASYNTAX, below).
.TP 15
Changes the behavior of `^' and `$' (the ``anchors'') so they match the
beginning and end of a line respectively. This is the same as
specifying the \fB(?w)\fR embedded option (see METASYNTAX, below).
.TP 15
Causes upper-case characters in \fIstring\fR to be treated as
lower case during the matching process.
.VS 8.3
.TP 15
Causes the regular expression to be matched as many times as possible
in the string, returning the total number of matches found. If this
is specified with match variables, they will continue information for
the last match only.

The items in question formatted in the same readable manner as the rest of the

Updated the one line, but the rest doesn't appear misformatted for
me with Sol2.5.1 and Sol7. I get:

-nocase Causes upper-case characters in string to be
treated as lower case during the matching
process. |

-all ||
Causes the regular expression to be matched |
as many times as possible in the string, |
returning the total number of matches found. |
If this is specified with match variables, |

Which is OK and perfectly readable. BTW, regexp should be in
section (n), not 6...
-- 04/13/2000 hobbs


  • Brent B. Welch

    Brent B. Welch - 2000-10-26
    • priority: 5 --> 2
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Don Porter

    Don Porter - 2001-04-04
    • labels: 104240 --> 43. Regexp