
question about CRUD

  • windhood

    windhood - 2007-01-11

    I know seam provides EntityHome and EntityQuery for the purpose of CRUD,paging functions.
    I noticed that class net/taylor/seam/ extends EntityHome, which is great. I always likes DRY principle.
    but why class net/taylor/seam/ does not extend EntityQuery?
    Is there any special concern?


    • John Gilbert

      John Gilbert - 2007-01-11

      I started off extending EntityQuery but I had problems using it. So I switched back to something more like what I generated in the last release. I don't remember what the issue was. Something to do with conversions and SFSBs. So I ended up with a hybrid.

      One other thing to note about the CRUD pattern in this release is that it is geared towards future ajax support. I tried just about every ajax/jsf framework out there, but none worked in a portlet environment. They all claim they will support portlets in 07Q1. We will see... In preparation for ajax this release follows less of a navigation approach and more of a re-rendering approach. It seems to work well, but I bet I'll eventually end up with a mixed approach.

      btw, i'm off on a short vacation.

    • windhood

      windhood - 2007-01-11

      Thanks and enjoy your vacation!!!


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