
Handy way for managing group membership?

  • tuxyso

    tuxyso - 2014-02-10

    Is there an easy way to mass-manage group memberships? The problem with group management is that every item has to be edited separately. In the address overview (All Addresses) there is no chance to see who is member of group X. Another problem is that group memberships are not exported (or am I doing something wrong?)
    A perfect and very straight-forward solution would be to have checkmarks in the all address overview table which indicate that item X is member of group a,b,c (but e.g. not d).

    If there is a handling error at my side, it would be great to hear how I can solve my problem with managing group membership.

  • tuxyso

    tuxyso - 2014-02-10

    sorry, wrong forum. :(


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