
Synder / News: Recent posts

Adding Dublin Core Terms Support

The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) has some overlapping definitions between its "elements" namespace and its "terms" namespace. Many "terms" are actually specializations of corresponding "elements". For example, the element "issued" in the "terms" namespace is a specialization of "date" from the "elements" namespace, and as you may guess, it represents the "issue date(s)" of the annotated item.... read more

Posted by g-dollar 2015-12-02 Labels: announcement

R107 Released

We have just pushed R107 to the Files area. Contains support for OPML 2.0 format.

Posted by g-dollar 2014-02-20 Labels: announcement

Adding OPML 2.0 Support

We are pleased to announce upcoming support for OPML 2.0 format, widely used to distribute lists of feeds for import into aggregators, etc.

Posted by g-dollar 2014-02-12

Updated Javadoc and more on Search Suggestion

We have just uploaded a hefty update to the Javadoc, now at R104.

Also have added Microsoft NS support for Search Suggestion, and extended the SyndEntry to include an image. There will be another JAR upload to follow.

Posted by g-dollar 2014-02-08

Adding SearchSuggestion Support

We are pleased to announce support for the Open Search SearchSuggestion 2.0 XML format. This format is also consumed by browsers. Expect to see a commit very soon.

It is close enough to Atom/RSS that we are able to shoehorn it in there. Missing features are the Separator element, and width and height attributes on Image element.

Posted by g-dollar 2014-02-06 Labels: announcement

R102 Released

Synchronized release of parse and generate packages.

Posted by g-dollar 2012-07-02

Atom Handler Ignores Namespace Modules

The Atom handlers for feed and entry elements are ignoring configured namespace modules. This is not an issue for RSS handlers.

Posted by g-dollar 2012-07-02

Atom Entry Documents Not Processed

The next release will correctly handle Atom Entry Documents, which have an entry element as the document root, instead of a feed element.

Posted by g-dollar 2012-06-08

generate-R94 Released

Contains fixes for Atom serialization under API 10 and higher (KXML).

Posted by g-dollar 2011-12-28

Android Switches Serializers in API 10

Starting in the Gingerbread release (API 10), Android is using the KXML Serializer.
This has some issues with Synder-generate, and we have a fix coming.

Posted by g-dollar 2011-03-08

generate-R90 Released

Contains fixes.

Posted by g-dollar 2011-01-04

R91 Released

Contains fixes.

Posted by g-dollar 2010-12-10

Android 2.2.x Update

Performance is extremely good on this build of Android!
Synder is now hot enough to use in user-facing scenarios with minimal background processing time. We speculate faster CPUs and much-improved GC performance make this possible.

Posted by g-dollar 2010-11-24

Running on AppEngine

Don't forget that Synder is fully Java SE/EE compatible. It's not just for Android!
We are currently deploying a Google Wave version of our Feed Farmer RSS/Atom tool, which is Powered By Synder.

Here is a link to a Public Wave you can check out:

Posted by g-dollar 2010-06-28

Generators Released

Starting with r56, Synder-generators.jar contains an org.xmlpull.v1.XmlSerializer implementation.

Posted by g-dollar 2010-04-14

Generators Are Coming

Stay tuned, we are putting together a set of generators based on org.xmlpull.v1.XmlSerializer.

Posted by g-dollar 2010-04-13

Javadoc Released

Revision 35 Javadocs are now available in the Files area.

Posted by g-dollar 2010-04-05

Still Shrinking

Starting with R34, we found more places to shave off memory usage.

Posted by g-dollar 2010-04-04

Smaller Footprint

Starting with R26, Synder uses less memory during parsing, thanks to additional lazy-initialization. Thanks profiler!

Posted by g-dollar 2010-04-02

org.xmlpull.v1.sax2.Driver Support

Starting with r22, Synder fully supports this parser implementation. Previous revisions had a defect that would occur only on certain documents.

Posted by g-dollar 2010-04-02

r19 is Stable

There are packaging issues with the last couple revisions; they have been taken down.

Posted by g-dollar 2010-04-01

Foreign Markup Support

Synder now has support for "foreign markup" at the feed/entry levels.
This feature is off by default; you must explicitly enable it.

Posted by g-dollar 2010-04-01

iTunes and RDF Content Modules

Starting with R16, Synder includes iTunes and RDF Content namespace modules.
For RDF Content, only the "encoded" element is initially supported.

Posted by g-dollar 2010-03-31

Dublin Core and Syndication Modules

The namespace "modules" for these are now implemented. Other namespace modules are forthcoming, e.g. iTunes.

Posted by g-dollar 2010-03-30

Synder Powering Feed Farmer

From eScape Technology LLC:
Our Android-based RSS/Atom feed viewer and podcast downloader is now powered by Synder!
If you are using ROME on Android (provided you got it to run), give up now and switch over.

Posted by g-dollar 2010-03-30