
#73 Symbolic Links

Earnie Boyd

Windows 7 comes with Circular Symbolic Links installed from the get go. This application treats Symbolic Links as files and directories, not recognizing the Symbolic Link as a reference to another directory or file. When using the product one must remove the Symbolic Links from the file structure list or the possibility of copying the same files over and over and over unto MAX_PATH is reached happens. This is very disconcerting for a product with so much promise.

There needs to be a method for dealing with Symbolic Links/Reparse Points/Junctions such that they are never copied directly. I'm not sure exactly how I would deal with them, the attributes of these would need to change to match the destination rather than leaving the attributes pointing to the source. They also would be the last action to consider since creating the Symbolic Link on Windows requires the source to be present before the link can be created. And then a Symbolic Link can point to another Symbolic Link so we need to make sure that the source of what is being created exists first else postpone its creation.


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