
Bug fix in output for Search in Files

  • Paul Gardner

    Paul Gardner - 2005-02-18

    I noticed that in the most recent code, when I selected Search in Files, the Output window would not automatically appear.

    I fixed this by adding 'Visible := True' to TOutputPage.Set_Lines in the frmOutput.pas file.  Not sure if this is the best place, but it seemed to be after some looking around.  If there's a better place to put it, let me know.  I don't have a good concept on the object structure.

    I noticed while testing that the Marker pane doesn't automatically appear either, but since I don't use the markers, I assume that this is ok.


    • Danail Traichev

      Danail Traichev - 2005-02-20

      Thank you for your contribution.

      I haven't checked it in Delphi, but from first look TOutputPage.AddLine looks for another candidate for same change.

      What you mean with marker pane - when it should appear automatically?


    • Paul Gardner

      Paul Gardner - 2005-02-20

      >What you mean with marker pane - when it should appear automatically?

      In general, I would think the Output pane should appear whenever text is added to the tabs (esp the Find in Files 1 and 2 and the other non-Marker page (I forget the name)).  I noticed that when I added a Marker to my file, that the Output Pane didn't automatically show and the fix for that one was different.  After thinking for a while, I decided that Markers shouldn't auto-show the Output pane, but mentioned it to be sure that I was correct.

      You're probably right about the AddLine procedure.  If you like, the next time I'm at my computer, I'll check it out (should be between now and Wednesday).

      oh, and you had previously mentioned that instead of using these forums, I should send email to the syn-devel mailing list.  I send another minor bug fix there (macro repeat count bug), but didn't get any feedback, so I posted this one here.  Did you get it? Did I send it to the wrong group?  I'll send these whever, but I did want to be sure I'm doing it correctly.



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