
Restore at start

  • Eunjoo1984

    Eunjoo1984 - 2005-04-10

    syn is very usefull and I like it,
    but I can't find a way to automaticely open the files
    wich I were using on last exit.

    I allways edit 5 or 6 files at a time,and I get tired of opening
    all of them at the next startup.

    • John Griss

      John Griss - 2005-04-11

      Glad you like the program. To save you time on loading files try using the following:
      [Project Menu]
      Select - News Project
      -- Open All your files. They will show under External till you save the project.
      Select - Add All to Project
      -- This will add all files to the current project name
      .After all is done, Click on Save All to save the project.
      The next time you run Syn you should get a dialog box with will allow you to open new/existing projects.

      And that is all it takes.. Please read the documents on the Project menu.. Good stuff.. Enjoy

    • Eunjoo1984

      Eunjoo1984 - 2005-04-13

      Thank you John!
      That's Exactly What I Needed!
      So now for me,Syn is a perfect software.



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