
end of line caracter on 0.3.0

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    Great job for the new version. It loads really fast and that's just great !!!
    The new GUI is more beautiful that before. And a bit more classy too !!

    I noticed 2 things :
    - the track name that didn't appear on the previous version still don't. I still get a "no name"
    - on the database window, some of the artist ,albums and tracks have a 'square' caracter appearing at the end.  Looks like an 'end of line' caracter not shown properly or something like thzt. It doesn't appear on the walkman though.

    Thanks for the great work !!!


    (I'm using a NW-HD5)

    • Skiron

      Skiron - 2009-01-07

      thanks for the report.

      The "no name" bug has already been reported, but I would be glad to know how to reproduce it. Can you send me a file which produce the "no name" bug when it is transfered alone !?

      Also, can you send me a file making this square displayed on JSymphonic !? I will open a bug report once I had reproduced it.

      To send me files, it may not work on my sourceforge adress, but send me a simple e-mail so that I can give you another one (usable with big files): nicolas_cardoso ,at, users ,dot, sourceforge ,dot, com

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi I try to send you an email but it didn't work. It says the domain name doesn't exist...
      Do you have another address ?

    • Skiron

      Skiron - 2009-01-16

      sorry, I made a mistake... the domain is ""

      You will certainly have problem to send me large files with this adress, write me a simple mail, and I will give you my personal adress.


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