
Error of tag length while scanning .DS_Store.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Error of tag length while scanning .DS_Store.

    I'm running 0.21a version in debug mode:

    kojot@Xaos:~/opt/js-0.21a$ java -jar JSymphonic_0.2.1a.jar -debug
    JSymphonic is run in debug mode.
    GUI components initialised.
    GUI tree device refreshed.
    GUI displaySpaceLeft updated.
    Folders initialised. Preferences saved.
    Scanning file .DS_Store
    Tag read - tag:
    Error of tag length while scanning .DS_Store.
    Skip title.

    And how can i help you to track the bug?

    It's java version:
    java version "1.6.0_06"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_06-b02)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 10.0-b22, mixed mode)

    Running on Ubuntu Hardy.
    Player is NW-E013.
    It must be some kind of regresion 'cause NW-E00X_MP3_File_Manager-0.17a can see at least some of songs (like 22 or something) and actualy play and download them.

    I would help you gladly but I have almost zero exp in java and some in C, so it's not looking like me fixing the bug ;)


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      .DS_Store is a mac computer breadcrumb.  It's a small file that contains some data about the file contents.  It should be safe to remove from the Sony player.

      The work-around is to delete the file.  Since the file is hidden, you need to turn-on "View hidden files" in your file browser then delete it.

      Every time you plug the player into a mac computer, it will leave a .DS_Store breadcrumb.

    • Skiron

      Skiron - 2008-11-23

      I didn't know that. But the answer is correct, you don't need this .DS_Store file. However, it would be more user friendly if you didn't have to delete it by your own before starting JSymphonic.
      I register it as a bug, it will be corrected so that you won't have to care it anymore.

      Thank you for your report, and for giving the solution !

    • Skiron

      Skiron - 2009-02-17

      It has been corrected, it will be effective in the next build (current is 20090213) here:


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