
All seems to work , well nearly !!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    HI guys, thanks for an amazing and much needed program. It works for me on my A808 8gb but on some tracks, all mine are already mp3, it copies them over but comes up with an msg saying error in transfer, see log. This only happens in some albums and then sometimes in a single track on an otherwise perfect copy of an album. Any help would be much appreciated. Im on vista and here is the error msg i get, thanks.

    09 Apr 2009 12:48:30 [INFO]    org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.JSymphonicWindow:<init> : Initializing JSymphonic...
    09 Apr 2009 12:48:31 [INFO]    org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.device.DeviceManager:initOmgPath : Initializing OMG path
    09 Apr 2009 12:48:31 [INFO]    org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.device.DeviceManager:initOmgPath : Selected OMG path is E:\OMGAUDIO
    09 Apr 2009 12:48:31 [INFO]    org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.JSymphonicWindow:<init> : JSymphonic is ready!
    09 Apr 2009 12:48:31 [INFO]    org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.device.DeviceManager:mountDevice : Mounting the device  .
    09 Apr 2009 12:48:31 [INFO]    org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.device.DeviceManager:refreshDeviceTree : Refreshing the device tree
    09 Apr 2009 12:48:51 [INFO]    org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.device.DeviceManager:refreshDeviceTree : Refreshing the device tree
    09 Apr 2009 12:48:55 [INFO] : Exportation started.
    09 Apr 2009 12:48:55 [INFO] : Deleting files started.
    09 Apr 2009 12:48:55 [INFO] : Importation started.
    09 Apr 2009 12:48:55 [INFO] : decodeThread has started
    09 Apr 2009 12:48:55 [INFO] : decodeThread has finished
    09 Apr 2009 12:48:55 [INFO] : encodeThread has started
    09 Apr 2009 12:48:55 [INFO] : transferThread has started
    09 Apr 2009 12:48:55 [INFO] : Import files started.
    09 Apr 2009 12:48:55 [INFO] : encodeThread has finished
    09 Apr 2009 12:48:56 [INFO] : Transfer thread is waiting for encode thread
    09 Apr 2009 12:48:56 [INFO] : Import files finished.
    09 Apr 2009 12:48:56 [INFO] : Writing database started.
    09 Apr 2009 12:48:57 [INFO] : Writing database finished.
    09 Apr 2009 12:48:57 [INFO]    org.danizmax.jsymphonic.gui.device.DeviceManager:refreshDeviceTree : Refreshing the device tree
    09 Apr 2009 12:48:57 [INFO] : transferThread has finished

    • chris coleman

      chris coleman - 2009-04-09

      sorry i posted before i joined :( im FD3CHRIS :)

    • Skiron

      Skiron - 2009-04-13

      The log is not stating any error. (For information, only loggable errors are given in the log, unexpected and unloggable errors may occur, to see these errors, the program should be launched from a console, using the command "java -jar APP_NAME.jar").

      You said that an error is reported by the GUI, right ? What is the error message ? How can you know what files failled ?
      Are you able to play the title which have failled ?

      I've just found out that there is a database bug on version 0.3.0a2: some titles are transfered to the device with errors, these titles are unplayable from the device. You are maybe facing this bug. I'm currently working on a correction.

    • chris coleman

      chris coleman - 2009-04-16

      I cannot play the files that have failed, when they are copied over it states they have errors.  Maybe i am experiencing the bug, i hope you manage to fix it, thanks.

    • Skiron

      Skiron - 2009-04-17

      OK, so it seems that you are facing the bug I talked about.

      It has been corrected on April, the 14th. Please browse the SVN repository at the following address:

      You'll find several builds of version 0.3.0a2. They are numbered using the date. Try a version older than (or egal to) build20090414 and tell me if you are still experiencing troubles !

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I did as you asked and version build20090414 works perfectly. Thankyou very much for correcting it. !!!!

    • Skiron

      Skiron - 2009-05-05

      Your welcome :-)
      It's my job !

      You can also test newer builds, just keep a working build in case of problem with the lastest one ;-)


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