
1.71 Doesn't Work?

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  • Jamie Thompson

    Jamie Thompson - 2008-01-11

    I just downloaded s60v3 1.71 (MMF) , and loaded it onto my N95. I was previously using the older version off the same.

    The new version seems nice and zippy, but when I try to scan my files (Full scan) it crashes (I believe I may get ~2 files before it goes). If I set it to use e:\Ogg, it doesn't crash, though as I don't keep my music there, it's no good. I've tried disabling all of the codecs to try and narrow down a bad one, but even with them all disabled, it still crashes on a full scan.

    On a similar note, would you consider making the scan directory a editable field instead of a hard-coded constant? - I have to either put all my MP3s and OGGs in e:\Ogg or put up with application sound effect mp3s being in my music list.. :(

    • Stuart Fisher

      Stuart Fisher - 2008-01-12

      Hi Jamie,

      First things first, OggPlay 1.71 does work. What I mean by that is it works fine on the only S60 V3 phone I've got, which is a Nokia E60. Full scan on my phone runs through 62 directories and finds oggs and mp3s on the C:\ drive just like it should.

      One of the biggest headaches for Symbian developers is that every single model of phone has something different about them that can cause problems. Now I've got that out of my system, I'm really pleased OggPlay at least starts (the S80 version I'm still working on currently doesn't even do that) and seems to work properly on your N95, apart from this obviously major problem! It could also be that there is something corrupt on your C:\ drive that is causing OggPlay to crash (although this seems unlikely if you've been using the previous version without any problems).

      So some questions: does it crash in the "standard Nokia way" (i.e. the app just exits silently, without any message) or does it do something else? Are you willing to help me track down this problem? This will involve me sending you another sis (or two) with extra debugging so that we can find out what is going wrong and of course I might ask you to try one or two things that I think may help us find out what is going on (e.g. moving some of your music files around)

      Funnily enough the S80 version of OggPlay has had an "editable scan directory" for ages. It's just a feature that never made it into the S60 version. Consider it added to the "TO DO list"


      • Kot

        Kot - 2008-01-12

        I've tried it on my N95 - it does full scan without any problems, finding all of the mp3, ogg and mp4 files. Maybe it's some kind of bug in previous firmware (I've got the newest one - 20.0.015)? I've tried it both with and without memory card inserted and in both cases it fully works.

    • Stuart Fisher

      Stuart Fisher - 2008-01-12

      I've had a bit of a think about this and I have spotted one thing that I've changed that might be causing OggPlay to crash. Have a look on your C:\ drive and see if you can spot any files with a long file extension, something like myfile.withalongext

      I'm fairly sure the old version would have handled this with no problem but the new version is going to crash. I have to go away now and repeat 100 times: if it isn't broke don't fix it!

    • Kot

      Kot - 2008-01-12

      Yes, it looks like you're right. After creating file with random long extension OggPlay simply quits without any warning during scan.

      • chris

        chris - 2008-01-13

        I think I can confirm this "long-fileextension-crash".

        First, I would like to thank you so much for reviving OggPlay - since owning a Sony Ericsson P800 years ago, OggPlay has been one of my favorite SymbianOS applications.

        I have three phones: A Nokia 6120 Classic, a N95 running newest firmware (v20.0.015) and another N95 running previous firmware (v12.0.013).

        I installed OggPlay on all three and initially, scan for files only worked on the 6120c and the N95 with v20.0.015 FW. On the N95 with v12.0.013 FW OggPlay starts scanning for files and then exits silently.

        I then read the post about files with long extensions and created a file named 'myfile.withalongext' on the C.\ drive of the N95 with v20.0.015 FW. If I scan for new files, OggPlay now also exits silently on that phone.

        In other words, I do not think this issue is caused by something firmware related.

    • Stuart Fisher

      Stuart Fisher - 2008-01-13

      But if I read your post correctly the problem on the N95 with v12.0.013 may not be related to having a file with a long extension. Did you actually have a look around the C:\ drive to see if there were any files like that?

      Creating a "myfile.withalongext" on the C:\ drive will crash OggPlay on every phone whatever version of firmware it's got: this is a problem with the current 1.71 release only. I'd like to know for sure if you've got exactly the same problem as Jamie and if it is a problem with long file extensions. If it is I can fix it easily. If not, maybe Jamie just needs to upgrade his firmware to v20.0.015 and he'll have a working OggPlay again.

      The only way we are going to know for sure is if I give you a version that doesn't have a problem with long file extensions. Give me two seconds and I'll get a patched version uploaded...

    • Stuart Fisher

      Stuart Fisher - 2008-01-13

      Please try the patched version here:

      Don't forget that you need to restart your phone before attempting to install this version, otherwise you'll probably get a "Unable to delete file" error.

    • Stuart Fisher

      Stuart Fisher - 2008-01-13

      I've now removed the previous patch (I'd fixed one thing and broken another unfortunately) so there is another patch to try:

      I had really big problems updating on my E60. Eventually I got my phone into a state where the application manager wouldn't start and so I couldn't install or uninstall anything. Finally I had to use the "3 fingers of last resort" solution!

      So the procedure for doing this update is as follows:

      1. Restart phone
      2. Uninstall previous version of OggPlay
      3. Restart phone
      4. Install new version of OggPlay
      5. Restart phone

      Three restarts required to be safe I'm afraid :-(

    • simben

      simben - 2008-01-14


      I've got an N95-2 (New version - 8GiG internal mem), with the latest firmeware: 15.0.015
      I installed S60 V3 1.71 MMF- NO Problem.
      When uninstalled it I forgot to restart phone before uninstalling it - But No Problem There!!

      I has a problem though - hence the uninstall:
      OggPlay couldn't use the controlls of the original Nokia hands-free set. No volume adjust, no pause/stop/play/next song/previous song - Nothing.
      Plus the program couldn't use the phone's volume key (on the side of the phone)

      The keypad controlls were working fine, but 99% I listen to music on the go with an earphone - so without being able to use the hands-free set its no use.

      And BTW, the N95 has dedicated media keys on the other side of the slide - why not to make use of it, if they are allready there, instead the keypad controlls? Yes the media keys don't work either.

    • Stuart Fisher

      Stuart Fisher - 2008-01-14

      Hi simben,

      Glad you didn't have problems uninstalling, perhaps Nokia have sorted that out.

      There are two reasons why we don't support "dedicated media keys" or hands free controllers:

      1. I don't have any of these things.
      My E60 has volume up/down buttons and I will be adding support for these in the next release. That should in principle make dedicated volume controls work on all other Nokias, and if Nokia have done things correctly on hands free controllers too.

      2. Nokia haven't implemented support for multimedia keys in a standard Symbian friendly way. My understanding is there are a whole bunch of newish Nokia "Multimedia key" APIs that I will have to go away and learn and then integrate into OggPlay. That's probably only a few days work, but that's still more time than I'm prepared to give it at the moment. Besides I've currently got no way of testing the code due to lack of N95s to test on.

      If I had an N95 then support for these things would probably be in OggPlay already, but I haven't. However, OggPlay is an open source project so somebody with an N95 could do it for us.

      You may have noticed that on the front page it says we have 14 developers. Well that's a lie. Sure we have 14 people registered as developers but since Bert and Claus stopped working on it (ages ago now) there's only be me left!

      I don't suppose you know anybody with an N95 and Symbian development skills and also enough free time and inclination to add support for all these things to OggPlay?

    • simben

      simben - 2008-01-14

      Hey man,

      You are really doing a great job here! I first met with Ogg Play about 3 years ago, when I was looking for a good oggplayer for my SE P910, and used on it till this Xtmas I got the N95. I wish I could help, but appart from that I have a very good understanding how PC-s work and do a few tweeks with it, I'm not a developer. All I can do now to help your work is to send you a few EUR donation (PayPal, give me an email address for it), if that could help you to keep up the good work. And it is not for an immediat solution for my problem, I mean really. It is for the last 3 years, and in appretiation for the work you still doing there.

      "keep it real brada"

    • parthabhatta

      parthabhatta - 2008-01-15

      Hi, I am from INDIA. I have had the same problem as faced by JAMIE. I installed the oggplay mmf 1.71 in my phone (nokia 5700 ver 3.27, RM 230) first in my memory card and then in my phone memory and on both the occasions I found that while searching for music files which are stored in my memory card in a subfolder (e:\sound\music) the application could not locate the files and it crashed after locating 5 to 6 ringtone files in various formats. Incidentally I did not try the option e:\ogg as I don’t intend to keep my music there.

      Due to this I had to uninstall the files which was also not smooth (uninstalled only after a no. of reboots because I did not knew about the restart problem) and reverted back to the older version 1.70 mmf alongwith mcnu 240x320 skin in my memory card. The older version is working satisfactorily. However, I am a bit disappointed that I could not upgrade to the new version. I hope the bug will be rectified soon. The irony is the unstable version is stable in my phone and vice versa.

      One more thing – in version 1.70 the volume boost function only work for ogg files. Is it working for all files in 1.71 or only works for ogg files only. Please make it working for all formats. I also agree with JAMIE to provide us with a editable directory instead of default e:\ogg.
      Lastly, many thanks for gifting us such a good software which according to me is best audio player for s60.
      Again shall I try the version "OggPlayS60V3_1_71_EXTPATCH2.sis" uploaded for JAMIE - please advise.

    • Stuart Fisher

      Stuart Fisher - 2008-01-15

      Hi from the UK to India!

      I'm sorry you are having the same problems as Jamie and the uninstall problems. I will update the release notes in future to give people the exact sequence required for uninstalling. You also need to perform reboots to be able to upgrade as well, which makes the whole thing a bit ridiculous. For the technically minded I've described what the problem is here:

      Unfortunately my posting has had no replies :-(

      "The irony is the unstable version is stable in my phone and vice versa."

      I removed the "unstable" flag because OggPlay isn't unstable (it hasn't been for ages). Of course it's not perfect either as you have discovered. All I can say is that I've never had a problem scanning files on my E60: there's something on your N95 that OggPlay cannot cope with and at the moment I've no idea what it is. Yes, please do try the patch:

      1. Restart phone
      2. Uninstall OggPlay 1.70
      3. Restart phone
      4. Install OggPlayS60V3_1_71_EXTPATCH2.sis
      5. Restart phone

      Let me know if this solves the problem and allows you to find files again.

      "One more thing – in version 1.70 the volume boost function only work for ogg files. Is it working for all files in 1.71 or only works for ogg files only."

      The volume boost only works for OggPlay "internal formats". That's .ogg in 1.70 and .ogg, .oga and .flac in 1.71. There's a good chance I'll get around to adding an "internal mp3 decoder" for 1.72 so you'll be able to use volume boost with mp3s too.

    • parthabhatta

      parthabhatta - 2008-01-16

      First of all let me say that your patched (1.71_extpatched2 version) worked very smooth for my Nokia 5700 (NOT N95). Many thanks to you for that. No more crashing now. I followed your instruction for installation and I am able to start my "App Manager". I was a bit nervous you know, after reading about your 3 finger rescue.

      Now that the problem is sorted out would you please tell what the problem actually seems to be ? ( I know you are a busy man - but take your time to reply). One more thing - Can you put basic tone controls in the future version ? Just in case we need that for some poor recordings.

      Waiting for ver 1.72 with all eagerness.

      Thanks again.

    • parthabhatta

      parthabhatta - 2008-01-16


      I read your thread and have understood the problem of restarting thrice. But cannot add to that except - Isn't there a way to use the system font ?

    • Stuart Fisher

      Stuart Fisher - 2008-01-16

      "worked very smooth for my Nokia 5700 (NOT N95)"

      So what happened to your N95, is that still crashing? And was the 5700 also crashing before you updated to the patched version?

      It's rather late here in the UK, so I'll answer your other questions later...

    • parthabhatta

      parthabhatta - 2008-01-16

      I never wrote about N95. My initial post also indiacted that I have 5700. You might have confused. Anyway I am waiting for your detailed reply.

    • Stuart Fisher

      Stuart Fisher - 2008-01-16

      Yeah, I was confused. I had got it into my head this was an "N95 crashes thread"!

      That's good news about your 5700. I'd still like some confirmation from the N95 users that they are seeing exactly the same problem though. Jamie, Chris, somebody else with this a crashing N95, please try the patched version.

      It's a bit strange really. The crash will only happen if there is a file with an extension of more than 10 characters. It seems fairly unlikely to me that anyone would use such a long file extension, but maybe the guys at Nokia did it anyway.

      "Isn't there a way to use the system font ?"

      That's exactly what OggPlay used to do. On S60V1 and S60V2 every phone had the same screen size (176x208) and every phone model had the same system font (it's called Latin12). Consequently pretty much every old OggPlay skin uses Latin12 for text.

      When S60V3 came along Nokia decided to get rid of Latin12 and use different fonts on different phones. Even phones with the same screen resolution would not necessarily have the same fonts. The problem is that different fonts all render differently on screen, so if we simply used the "system font" there would be no way to guarantee that our skins would look right on every phone. A skin that would look really good on one phone might not look so good on another because you might find the text is not aligned properly with the background, or the text might simply be too big (or small).

      So I went for the obvious solution: just install a font (or fonts) that could be used for all OggPlay skins. I really can't see why doing this has so many issues on a Symbian device. What's most annoying is that Symbian actually provides functions to release the file locks that are the cause of the uninstall issue, but unbelievably they don't work!

      What I might do in the next release is put the fonts in a seperate install package. That would at least isolate the problem, but then everybody has to install two sis files...

      • chris

        chris - 2008-01-16

        > Jamie, Chris, somebody else with this a crashing N95, please try the patched version.

        I apologize for not posting a follow-up to my previous message before now.

        I have upgraded both my N95s to the patched version (Patch #2:\) - the N95s run firmware v12.0.013 and v20.0.015 respectively. Since the upgrade neither N95 has crashed and I have tried scanning for media files several times.

        - I do not keep media files in E:\Ogg - the folder does not exist on either phone.
        - I have made sure to test scanning while having a file with a long extension on the C:\ drive ('myfile.withalongext').

        Is that sufficient to distinguish between the two types of crashes mentioned in this thread? Or is additional testing needed? If so, let me know what you would like me to try out and I will do it ASAP...

        Best regards chris

    • parthabhatta

      parthabhatta - 2008-01-16

      Now I have understood. There should not be problem in installing two sis files, one for the original software one for the fonts.

    • Stuart Fisher

      Stuart Fisher - 2008-01-16

      > Since the upgrade neither N95 has crashed

      Thanks Chris, that's really good news.

      > two types of crashes

      Now you've got me confused. By two types presumably you mean the original crash you got on one of your N95s and the "self-inflicted" crash you got by creating a file called myfile.withalongext. The only file scanning related fix included in the patch is a solution to the long file extension problem. Consequently I'm fairly certain there is only one type of crash here.

      What I'll do is make a 1.71a release in the next day or two. This will include S80 and UIQ releases too. The S80 release would have been out already but I'm still waiting for feedback from my S80 tester. Funnily enough he's also called Chris!

    • Stuart Fisher

      Stuart Fisher - 2008-01-21

      1.71a is ready (except for the UIQ2 version which is really close to being ready, but not quite there yet). In order to upgrade, S60V3 users must uninstall OggPlay 1.71 (or 1.70) first and then follow the rest of the instructions in the Readme.txt

      For S60V3 I have split the files into 2 sis packages (OggPlay and OggPlayFonts) and this does exactly what you'd expect: OggPlay itself can now be uninstalled without any problems or reboots required. However I've now discovered that installing skin packages is even more dangerous than installing fonts!

      I've posted a thread on about this:

      Finding this problem now is probably a good thing: I was just about to start uploading converted skin packages! For now I've removed all of the old skin packages from the website, but I'll update the web page with new ones soon. I think I'll probably have to use the PU package type for the skins to be safe. It's not the way you are supposed to do it but I don't see any other option at the moment.

    • SteveMcManus

      SteveMcManus - 2008-01-23

      I have a E61,  I love Ogg play.  But haven't been able to use it in a while.  After installing 1.71 (1).  which installed fine, no errors.   The program seemed to load fine.  It scans the files fine.    but when I go to play, it shows it playing but no music comes forth. I can even switch to another song and it seems to fake play it very well. 

      Is this a lack of MMC ?

      Also when I try to uninstall.

      Start the Uninstall wizard.
      Gives Uninstall confirmation.
      Says Removing.  with the bar moving across.
      Stops 3/4 of the way across and says unable to delete file.

      Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


    • Stuart Fisher

      Stuart Fisher - 2008-01-23

      Hi Steve,

      Funnily enough those are two of the things I've addressed in 1.71a (aka 1.71(2)).

      Firstly on an E61 you should only need to restart your phone. Hopefully then you will be able to uninstall.
      Secondly previous versions of OggPlay (at least the MMF versions anyway) would not always report errors properly. 1.71a does, so I strongly recommend you install that and try again.


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