
OggPlay 1.04 non mmf on nokia 3660

  • jaska

    jaska - 2005-04-17

    Does anyone know,how i could get oggplay to find my .ogg files from my memory card ?
    When i trasfer the songs via bluetooth and save them into the phones own memory,oggplay finds those songs when using the "find new files"-option. But when i change the incoming messages destination memory to memory card, oggplay no longer finds any .ogg files. Is there something wrong with my settings ?
    Does 3660 support the MMF-version ?
    phones memory is only 4mb,while memory card has 256 mb storage.

    • jaska

      jaska - 2005-04-17

      i changed the file scan mode from fulla scan to E:\OGG and then tried to find new files. Ogg-program responded: "this ogg file has been encoded using sampling rate =%i Hz. unfortunately your phone only supports audio playback for the following sampling rates: %S.
      E:\Ogg\ "
      I have a brand new mmc memory card and no other ogg programs on it.

    • jaska

      jaska - 2005-04-18

      help, anyone ?
      do i need to install something to my memorycard or what ?

    • Berthier Lemieux

      The error message you get is a known bug, it should read instead "Cannot open directory E:\oggs\". That will be fixed in forecoming releases.

      There might be something with the 3660, that's a very old model, the first S60 phone with an MMC. Change the scan mode to full scan and please send us a trace.

      Here is how to make a trace:
      Create an empty directory: C:\logs\oggplay
      Run oggplay (do the search file thing)
      Send us the files that were created in c:\logs\oggplay. Send them at this adress: blemieux at


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