
#38 Capacity Planning

Anona Mice

It would be realy great if the sydi-overview.vbs script
could add an additional worksheet for disk information
(size, free space, etc), and then to convert this in a bar
graph layout in order to visually represent space
availability for capacity planning purposes.

P.S. Great work


  • Patrick Ogenstad

    Logged In: YES

    Could you please describe how you want the bar graph to look
    like or perhaps send me an example excel file by email?

  • aborders

    aborders - 2005-11-01

    Logged In: YES

    I agree. This would be a huge help.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Bar graph should have one column per disk, with all disks
    associated to a host grouped together. Each column would
    show used & free space in different colours.

    E.G. (Please forgive my crude diagram)

    + +
    +| + |
    | | | |
    | | | |
    Host1 Host2

    I am open minded as to if the verticle scale should be in MB
    or percentage used (ideally 2 graphes would be nice) but
    would lean towards MB as my preference.

    Nice but not essential, would be if you hover over each
    column they are able to give additional info as to the disk
    type (e.g. SCSI, SAN, IDE, etc)

    Thanks for your fast response to my enquiry, it is greatly


  • Patrick Ogenstad

    Logged In: YES


    I've looked at the diagram on this page and the file Adam
    sent me. The problem I see with this is that if done in
    Excel the chart quickly becomes bloated, it works fine with
    5-10 computers but if you have 20 or over it gets quite hard
    to read the chart. 120 computers more or less just gives a
    big blob :)

    Do you have any suggestions for these scenarios?


  • Anona Mice

    Anona Mice - 2005-11-03

    Logged In: YES

    Can I suggest several smaller graphs, each containing 10-20
    servers. With each graph then scaled so that it would print on
    an A4 page.

    A variation to this would be a cell that allows you to configure
    how many servers per graph, and another for the paper size
    to scale each graph to (I need A4, but no doubt plenty would
    want A3 or US Letter).

    Sorry but I can't think of any other alternatives.


  • aborders

    aborders - 2005-11-04

    Logged In: YES

    While the graphing would be nice, I beleive that having the
    RAW data in the overview script is the part that would benifit
    me the most. I could always manually create the needed
    graphs. I usually am working with departmental servers so I
    would probably group them that way.

    Thank you very much for looking into this. I will take quite a
    lessonfrom your code as I could not figgure out how to get
    the information in there myself. I am still quite a novice at VB


  • Patrick Ogenstad

    Logged In: YES


    If we just have the raw data in the overview part should we
    just use the total space and free space or only C:?
    Otherwise it will be easier to use a separate sheet.

  • Anona Mice

    Anona Mice - 2005-11-08

    Logged In: YES

    Any raw data would need to be total space and free space on
    each disk and not just c:

    If we intend to use raw data then knowing the volume types
    (IDE/SCSI/SAN/etc) and the model would also be usefull.

    My original intention when I made the request was to be able
    to trend disk usage on all disks so that I could predict growth
    patterns across all volumes in order to proactively
    replace/upgrade disks before they filled up. This is easier to
    view graphically hence the original request.

    Just a thought...but as Adam is needing to group his servers
    by department then perhaps he could run the sydi-
    overview.vbs script several times with the appropriate list of
    department servers in each run. This way his graph would be
    small enough to get the detail he wanted and also grouped
    by department as he is required to report upon. This would
    also leave the full reporting functionality originally requested
    available to other users.


  • aborders

    aborders - 2005-11-09

    Logged In: YES

    I have to agree with Anona that I would need more than just
    the C: drive specs. I like the idea of knowing what type of
    drive it is as well. For me this is just to ease the burden of
    reporting on our server utilization. I already group the servers
    by department so I don't end up with more than 10 or so in a

    I have found it useful to pull the entire Domain in run it on
    everything, Including workstations. I that instance I would
    graph it as the number of systems with over 50% free space,
    40%, 30%,... That would be a manual graph but I have found
    it difficult to pull the data from the XML files individually.
    Especially when we are working with 300+ systems.

    I guess my biggest thing is to have the flexability to
    manipulate the data in Excel. I was just not able to get the
    right sub routine to pull the data from the XML files.

    On a side note I did add the transform functionality to the
    wrapper script. This has helped me automate the gathering of
    data and posting it to our infrastructure intranet site for DR

    Thank you again for writing this awsome set of scripts.


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