
Sydi-Overview question

  • Aaron Perrault

    Aaron Perrault - 2008-01-09

    Hey Patrick,
    I decided to tackle the update to Sydi-Overview myself.  You know, my request to include networking information in the overview.  I still suck at scripting, at least from scratch, but i can modify existing scripts with the best of them. I am running into problems with it though, and i am hoping you or someone else can shed some light on my problems.

    I have made adjustments in a couple of spots.  First off, here is the area of the XML file that i am trying to get the data from:

      <adapter description="HP Network Team #1" macaddress="00:13:21:1B:9B:72">
       <ip address="" subnetmask="" />
       <gateway address="" />
       <dnsserver address="" />
       <dnsserver address="" />
       <dnsdomain name="" />
       <primarywins address="" />
       <route destination="" mask="" nexthop="" />
       <route destination="" mask="" nexthop="" />
       <route destination="" mask="" nexthop="" />
       <route destination="" mask="" nexthop="" />
       <route destination="" mask="" nexthop="" />
       <route destination="" mask="" nexthop="" />
       <route destination="" mask="" nexthop="" />

    In the sydi-overview script i made the following changes:

    under     Set objDbrComputers = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset")
    i added the line
               objDbrComputers.Fields.Append "Address", adVarChar, MaxCharacters (To add an item to the array called Address, i think)

    Then, within the Sub ParseXMLfile(strXMLFile) function, i added the following

        If (objChild.nodeName = "ip") Then
        objDbrComputers("address") = Scrub(objChild.getAttribute("address"))
            End If

    Within Sub PopulateExcelfile(), i added the following
        objExcel.Cells(1, 14).Value = "Address"

    and changed objExcel.Range to reflect the additional field (objExcel.Range("A1:N1").Select)

    Then, in the next Do Until, i added objExcel.Cells(intLine, 14).Value = objDbrComputers("Address") right before the

    That is the changes i have made.  When i generate the file, it creates the heading for Address, but nothing ends up in that field.

    Could you shed some light on this.  Do i have the wrong objChild.nodeName or something.

    any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    I am just looking for the first address listed, because you mentioned that systems could have multiple addresses.

    Thanks in advance for the help


    • Patrick Ogenstad

      It might be that you're looking for information one layer too high up in the xml file.

      I have this on my list for SYDI-Server 2.1, though I don't know if I will manage to get everything that I want included in 2.1. Part of me just wants to get it out. :)

      The reason I didn't add it yet has been that a machine might have several ip addresses and I don't have a good solution for that. I'm thinking about just adding a comma separated list.

      If you send me an email I should be able to send you a patch where you have the ip addresses in the Excel file.



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