
SxWiki / News: Recent posts

First "Pro" Release Now Available!

The first "Pro" release is now available, check it out!

Posted by Bogdan Stancescu 2008-04-05

Testers needed for Pro version!

The code for the Pro version has finally reached beta quality -- I was able to implement a feature I wanted for the first release (support for configuration files), and I was able to identify a pesky bug which made editing pages an iffy affair.

Anyway, before I make a fool of myself releasing something with glaring problems which I somehow miss, please give the CSV version a go and drop me a line. Check the Wiki section for a code sample and extensive documentation.... read more

Posted by Bogdan Stancescu 2008-03-10

New developer!

Welcome, Bogdan Stancescu (b_stancescu), our newest developer, whom will be working primarily on the "Pro" version of SxWiki!

Posted by SQL 2008-01-27

Pro and Lite

SxWiki will soon fork, into two versions, a "Pro" release, which will use classes, be more efficient, and more stable, and, the original legacy "Lite" version, which will remain lightweight and easier for beginning programmers to use.

Posted by SQL 2008-01-27