
Keep up the good work

  • Andras Soltesz

    Andras Soltesz - 2007-04-11

    This project is a great idea and as I see it has got really far.

    I hope IBM and the Eclipse people soon start supporting this project and commit resources to make it as perfect and up to date as it can get.

    It would be awesome if one could develop on the Eclipse RCP platform knowing that it would run on any JRE. Those platform specific SWT libraries make the Eclipse RCP much less appealing altough it is really good stuff. If this project was officially supported by the SWT people, I would stop thinking about which RCP I should use and chose the Eclipse RCP in a heartbeat (looks like I will go to Netbeans RCP because true platform independence is a factor for me).

    Keep up the good work!!!

    • Christopher Deckers

      Thanks a lot for your support!

      I will continue my work as much as I can on my free time.
      I believe SWTSwing definitely needs some official support though. Who knows, maybe that will come one day.

      Again, thanks for your kind word!



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