
Swing Gestures / News: Recent posts

Feedback is important!

Hello to all people that downloaded (or only viewed the page) the Swing Gestures library. All of my hard work produced the code that you downloaded, but without feedback the code will not be improved; I claim for your opinions about the code.. is very, very important.
If you have no comment, but you are using the library, please tell me (us) what are your application and the benefits achieved using SwingGestures.

Posted by Alberto Bengoa 2004-11-02

First release of SwingGestures ok!

Today is a great day... The first file release of the Swing Gestures project is ready. It includes documentation, binary, source and full distributions of the project; any developer can download any of them and start to use mouse gestures inmediatly, enhancing the new and old interfaces in an incredible way.

The latest (and for the moment, first) version is the 1.1 (there is no 1.0 version released).... read more

Posted by Alberto Bengoa 2004-10-13