
Just to let everyone know

  • SticKK

    SticKK - 2007-11-08

    I have looked into Tux Family hosting for The Swiftweasel Project. I like what I see and we will be at least adding a site there. In fact a basic one is already up.
    The advantages are many including a better wiki, a repository, and a better forum is possible. But the downside is, there is a lot of work ahead for me setting it all up. This also includes changes to the build system to make the repository workable.
    I hope everyone understands this and is patient as I work in my free time to do everything. I may not be real quick answering posts to the forum. I hope to get this all done before a release is made.


    • Dudley

      Dudley - 2007-11-08

      Take all the time u need, we'll be patient looking forward to a repository and the next build's.

      Thank u for your work.

    • SticKK

      SticKK - 2007-11-11

      I am working on right now and debs should be available soon. It will be the first Swiftweasel under the new build system. It is also using pages from the new tux family site instead of the sourceforge site.


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