

Mariusz Dubielecki


My name is Mariusz and I'm Java SE, EE developer. My homepage is
I'm interested in Adobe Flash SWF AVM1/AVM2, SWF bytecode, SWF obfuscators and deobfuscators.

I developed tool SWF Reader which You can use to edit and deobfuscate SWFs in easy way, I implemented few deobfuscators for AS2 and AS3 Flash but I concentrate in AS3 SWFs.
SWF Reader is free for people which would like to edit swfs or build Your plugins to deobfuscate SWFs. You can also buy SWF Reader PRO with implemented deobfuscators for popular obfuscators: Secure SWF, SWF Encrypt, DoSWF and more.

I prepared for You two opensource libs:
swf-reader-plugin and swf-reader-core
First lib is dedicated to implement Your deobfuscator plugin in easy way and second lib is needed to implement this plugin.
swf-reader-core lib has implemented reading and editing SWF AS3 with all AVM2 doABC structures and more tools.

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