
Linux UI

  • Hector Sosa, Jr

    Hector Sosa, Jr - 2006-04-14

    Well, I finally got SUSE 10.1 installed in my copy of VMWare. I got all of the Mono bits installed. Hopefully, I can work with MonoDevelop to create a Mono UI for Linux.

    This should be an interesting learning experience, since I don't use Linux all that much anymore. If anybody is interested in working in the Linux UI stuff, please let me know.

    • Hector Sosa, Jr

      Hector Sosa, Jr - 2006-04-17

      Well, I got the code compiling in MonoDevelop 0.7. I had to abandon SUSE 10.1 and go with SUSE 10 instead. I'm too much of a linux newbie to be messing around with beta stuff.

      Still trying to figure out how to do forms with Mono and MonoDevelop...


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