
#1 More options on repositories access rights


My problem is everytime I add a reposotory with
SVNManager it rebuilds the access file, thus erasing
all the custom set security I configured. Since
SVNManager doesn´t handle anonymous users or sub-dirs
wich are not repositories.

It would be great if the user security would include
options for anonymous users (* on access file´s
entries) Also, it would be nice to be able to set
general svn server access rights and sub-dirs.

I have the following setup on my SVN tree:

SVN root dir
+-user individual sub-dir
| |
| +- repository
| +- repository
| | ...
| \- repository
+- open repository
+- open repository
| ...
\- open repository

Where I set anonymous read only access for everything,
and have a group @everyone where all users are members
and have read-write access to every open repository

As for "user individual sub-dirs" I cancel the read
acess for anonymous and cancel write acess for group
everyone, then allowing rw to the owner of the sub-dir
and read for anyone who needs to see the data.


everyone = user1, user2, user3, user4

* = r
@everyone =rw

* =
@everyone =
user1 = rw

* =
@everyone =
user1 = rw
user2 = r


  • Maximilianop

    Maximilianop - 2006-01-11
    • summary: Access file options not fully handled --> More options on repositories access rights
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Seconded -- this is a must-have feature. Is this project still under development?


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