
Subversion Notify for Windows / News: Recent posts

Version 2.1.0 Released!

Updated Bugzilla integration with XML-RPC calls provding simplified setup and more feature rich updates.

Added "quick start" configurations to the manual and website to get you started easily with the most common features.

Posted by mmckechney 2009-12-22

Important update if you use Subversion 1.5

If you have updated your Subversion install to version 1.5, you will need to update your Subversion Notify to v2.0.6.

This is because Subversion 1.5 has a defect in the svnlook.exe program, which is used to retrieve the diff text that is used in e-mail generation. This defect puts the file name and parseable separator at the bottom of the file diff instead of at the top where it belongs.

Version 2.0.6 of Subversion Notify will be able to detect this error and correct it so that the e-mails are generated properly. It is also compatible with older Subversion 1.4.x installs.... read more

Posted by mmckechney 2008-07-10

Subversion Notify v2.0 is ready!

Get full control over your Subversion repository!
Tons of updates, fixes and changes now available. Check out the new project site to get all the details. Be sure to check out the "how to upgrade" and "change log" links. The manual has been updated with all the new features as well.

Posted by mmckechney 2008-06-13