
Lore Update #1

Introducing our Crew

We felt it was time introducing all the members of our small organisation!

Max Wällstedt - Head programmer
Andreas Nilsson - Storywriter
Rikard Osgyan - Co-Storywriter
Martin Chan - Soundtrack Composer
Ellinor Frank - Graphics Designer
David Frisell - IT consultant (Nothing important)

Today we (Rikard, Max and I) had a conference over skype, discussing and developing the lore of the game. Not a very efficient process, but we ended up with a greatly improved manual (nowhere near finished though, the release will take a while!) and a bit more background info and story.

As for the programming side, Max has started working on a combat-system. And it's looking good!

That's all for now, until next time!

Posted by Anonymous 2012-09-09 Labels: sverkir sverkirs reign dev blog

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