
#156 feature request: zoom in to mouse


Using a charting software, I bumped into a feature, zooming to mouse position, which is very very handy.

You place the mouse on whatever you are interested in, zoom in directly there.
Then you zoom out, see another zone you are interested in, go directly there.

Very intuitive.

Is it possible to do the same in Sonic Visualizer?
Maybe it's possible but I'm not aware of it (I'm fairly new user)


  • Mattia Bonafini

    Mattia Bonafini - 2017-03-07

    Hi , there I am new in this Forum, and I must say this is a very nice free Softeware...
    I quite agree with Mihai ... I would change the vertical and orizontal zooming with a "normal" plus and minus sign...and the positioning is also very unnatural ... a scrolling bar, like in other editing software, would be great ... probably this is the only feature that I don´t like from the Sonic VIsulaizer.
    If any suggestion on how to manage differently...please write
    Thank you anyway

  • Mattia Bonafini

    Mattia Bonafini - 2017-03-07

    by the way my suggestion was based one the Spectrogram view ... when you want to analyse frequecies it can be a "pain in the neck"

  • Chris Cannam

    Chris Cannam - 2017-03-07

    You can zoom to a region with Shift + click-drag with the Navigate tool active. Is that any help?

    I'll add that to the help reference as well, as I see it's not mentioned there at the moment.


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