
#215 SV 2.4.1 immediately crashes when running JACK (jackd2)

jack (1)

Sonic Visualiser 2.4.1 immediately crashes upon launch when I am running Jack Audio Connection Kit (jackd2) on my Linuxmint 17.2 64bit OS (Cinnamon 2.6, Linux kernel 3.16). JACK works fine with other audio programs I am using (e.g., Musescore, Hydrogen Drum Machine, although not audacity). Perhaps SV conflicts with having both pulseaudio and JACK installed?

The following is the error message given by QjackCtl:

Fri Oct  2 10:15:30 2015: New client 'Sonic Visualiser' with PID 5587
Fri Oct  2 10:15:30 2015: port 'Sonic Visualiser:out 1' created
Fri Oct  2 10:15:30 2015: ERROR: JackEngine::XRun: client = Sonic Visualiser was not finished, state = Triggered
Fri Oct  2 10:15:30 2015: ERROR: JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsyncMaster: Process error
Fri Oct  2 10:15:30 2015: ERROR: Cannot read socket fd = 20 err = Connection reset by peer
Fri Oct  2 10:15:30 2015: ERROR: Could not read notification result
Fri Oct  2 10:15:30 2015: ERROR: ClientNotify fails name = Sonic Visualiser notification = 18 val1 = 0 val2 = 0
Fri Oct  2 10:15:30 2015: ERROR: Cannot write socket fd = 20 err = Broken pipe
Fri Oct  2 10:15:30 2015: ERROR: CheckRes error
Fri Oct  2 10:15:30 2015: ERROR: Could not write notification
Fri Oct  2 10:15:30 2015: ERROR: ClientNotify fails name = Sonic Visualiser notification = 18 val1 = 1 val2 = 0
Fri Oct  2 10:15:30 2015: ERROR: Cannot write socket fd = 20 err = Broken pipe
Fri Oct  2 10:15:30 2015: ERROR: CheckRes error
Fri Oct  2 10:15:30 2015: ERROR: Could not write notification
Fri Oct  2 10:15:30 2015: ERROR: ClientNotify fails name = Sonic Visualiser notification = 3 val1 = 0 val2 = 0
Fri Oct  2 10:15:30 2015: ERROR: JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsyncMaster: Process error
Fri Oct  2 10:15:31 2015: ERROR: Failed to find port 'Sonic Visualiser:out 1' to destroy
Fri Oct  2 10:15:31 2015: Client 'Sonic Visualiser' with PID 5587 is out



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