

Neil Muller

Ubuntu (Bionic, Focal, Impish & Jammy)

Development versions are released to the Sutekh staging ppa (

Fedora Core (FC35 & FC36)

  • Download the appropriate Sutekh .rpm file.
  • As root, run:
    • rpm -i Sutekh-2.0.0-1.fc35.noarch.rpm (or the appropriate rpm for your machine)
  • If upgrading from an earlier Sutekh relase, use:
    • rpm -U Sutekh-2.0.0-1.fc35.noarch.rpm
  • Run sutekh to launch Sutekh.

Debian-based Unixes

  • Download the Sutekh .egg file for your Python version.
  • As root, run:
    • apt-get install python3-sqlobject python3-ply python3-configobj python3-gi gir1.2-gtk-3.0 librsvg2-common
    • easy_install <Sutekh .egg file>
  • Run sutekh to launch Sutekh.


Uninstalling Sutekh <= 0.6.3 on Windows

The Sutekh 0.6.3 and earlier Windows installers did not successfully uninstall themselves. To manually uninstall such installations perform the following steps (not for the faint of heart):

  • Exit Sutekh.
  • In Control Panel -> Add / Remove Programs, remove the components installed by the old installer:
    • GTK+ Development Environment for Windows
    • Python 2.5 pycairo
    • Python 2.5 pygobject
    • Python 2.5 pygtk
    • Python 2.5 setuptools
    • Python 2.5
  • Find the folder where Sutekh was installed (usually "Program Files\Sutekh") and remove it.
  • Find "Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\Programs" and delete the Sutekh folder in it to remove the Start Menu links.

You might now be ready to run the far friendlier Sutekh 0.8 installer.



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