
SuperWaba / News: Recent posts

SuperWaba 4.50a released

SuperWaba is a Java-like VM for handhelds. Runs in PalmOS, Windows CE, Win32, and is fully emulated under JDK/browser. Supports Exceptions, has a complete set of UI controls (Palm/WinCE), double and long, grayscale/color, sockets and serial/IR/Bluetooth. Some of the new updates are: Many optimizations on User Interface leads to 40% speed improvement in form creation and Lots of bug fixes and other enhancements... read more

Posted by Frank Diebolt 2004-10-11

SuperWaba 4.21b released

SuperWaba is a Java-like VM for handhelds. Runs in PalmOS, Windows CE, Win32, and is fully emulated under JDK/browser. Supports Exceptions, has a complete set of UI controls (Palm/WinCE), double and long, grayscale/color, sockets and serial/IR/Bluetooth.

- Fixed some important bugs in many places
- Fixed String.toLower/UpperCase slowness introduced in 4.21a due to unicode support (routine is now 380 times faster!)
- Important! All purchased products must be downloaded again.... read more

Posted by Frank Diebolt 2004-06-24

SuperWaba 4.21a released

SuperWaba is a Java-like VM for handhelds. Runs in PalmOS, Windows CE, Win32, and is fully emulated under JDK/browser. Supports Exceptions, has a complete set of UI controls (Palm/WinCE), double and long, grayscale/color, sockets and serial/IR/Bluetooth.

- Fixed null-memory-access bug when starting the vm in some devices
- Fixed transparent color for 16bpp images.
- Now in Palm we reuse records used as RAM, which may fix bugs when running a program during long hours.
- Fixed bug in JPeg from the image library that could cause a hard-reset.... read more

Posted by Frank Diebolt 2004-04-26

SuperWaba 4.21 released

SuperWaba is a Java-like VM for handhelds. Runs in PalmOS, Windows CE, Win32, and is fully emulated under JDK/browser. Supports Exceptions, has a complete set of UI controls (Palm/WinCE), double and long, grayscale/color, sockets and serial/IR/Bluetooth.

New exegen option to turn on 16k colors (provides faster gif/jpeg image loading)
Smarter build.xml files
Added new Settings: serialNumber, showSecrets, isHighColor
Added Vm.SK_SYNC to intercept hotsync button
Added Vm.getRemainingBattery
Moved java.lang package to waba.lang
Better Unicode support
Added basic support to Pocket PC Smartphones
Improved HTMLContainer
Many other enhancements...... read more

Posted by Frank Diebolt 2004-04-21

SuperWaba 4.2 released

SuperWaba is a Java-like VM for handhelds. Runs in PalmOS, Windows CE, Win32, and is fully emulated under JDK/browser. Supports Exceptions, has a complete set of UI controls (Palm/WinCE), double and long, grayscale/color, sockets and serial/IR/Bluetooth.

Optimized 8bpp image load speed from 3 to 130 times
Added support for 480 screen resolution devices
Fixed when running in Palm OS 5 devices
New option /M added to Exegen makes possible to change the Ok button by the X in Pocket PC devices
Fixed cursor color in Zire 21
Other enhancements and bug fixes... read more

Posted by Frank Diebolt 2004-02-21

SuperWaba 4.1 released

SuperWaba is a Java-like VM for handhelds. Runs in PalmOS, Windows CE, Win32, and is fully emulated under JDK/browser. Supports Exceptions, has a complete set of UI controls (Palm/WinCE), double and long, grayscale/color, sockets and serial/IR/Bluetooth.

- Full Unicode Support! (Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc)
- New XMl package
- New Html Container
- New HtmlBrowser
- Support for Gif/Jpeg/Png library
- Support for Treo 600, Intermec Norand 600, Zire 21, Mono WinCE devices
- Improved Image loading speed
- Now you can add a txt file using Warp and read it directly (Vm.getFile)
- Lots of bug fixes... read more

Posted by Frank Diebolt 2003-12-17

SuperWaba 4.01 released!

Changes in SuperWaba 4.01

. fixed files that was translated into lowercase. now they are upper case again. This lead to problems in the jar generations.
1. added PushButtonGroup.getSelectedCaption, which returns the caption of the selected button (or null if none selected)
2. fixed clipping problems in fillPie
3. fixed wrong filling color in fillPie - was swapping fore and back colors.
4. fixed serial and IR write/read problems in Palm OS 5.
5. fixed problem in TW regarding BmpGlue
6. fixed dynamic bind problem when library was loaded after being referenced.
7. added support for Alphasmart Dana. (note: it works perfectly on Dana's POSE, but not in real device, due to problems in the screen).
8. fixed /v version information for prc files.
. added support for /T "title" in build.xml
. fixed GuiBuilder on WinCE.
9. fixed problem in Calendar when clicking in the today button was reflecting in the title arrows.
10. fixed a socket.close problem in PalmOS5.
11. added one more parameter to TTF2PDBs: /rename:newName. It lets you save the font with another name.
12. fixed invalid chars being shown in place of MSB in all platforms. Now a 4-pixel space is displayed in all platforms
13. now, in Window._postEvent, if the timestamp is 0 (default), it is replaced by the current vm timestamp.
14. now the Calendar's button closes the dialog, returning the current day.
!15. fixed bug in WinCE when calling popupKCC. Note: to fix this, i had to change a behaviour: now the keyboard is popped up in the PEN_UP event, not more in the FOCUS_IN. This lead to fix the bug and also simplify the whole process, cleaning up the code.
16. added support for + in the valid chars when popping up the Calculator.
17. added Calculator.decimalPlaces, to specify how many decimal places the entered value will be formatted with.
18. added Label.commonVGap. When set to 2, the label will have the same height of the WinCE Edit.
19. fixed window flickering when popping up a Window.
20. added Edit.canMoveVirtualKeyboard so that you can avoid the virtual keyboard move. Some devices don't work well with this feature. Its up to you to make the user interface avoid be obscured by the keyboard.
21. optimized Graphics.drawText in up to 57% for Palm OS < 4.0.
22. fixed bug that occured when a class that extends java.lang.Object throws an Exception.
23. now on Palm OS 5, we use the internal fonts. The 5sw.pdb don't need to be installed anymore. The VM will now delete this file from the device. This optimized drawing fonts by 90%. Note that customized fonts will use the slow routines. This need to be fixed later.
24. added Anna Hovhannisyan changes to builtin.Address class to fix a bug when creating addresses.
25. added ListBox/
26. added Sean Walton fix to ListBox.removeAll to set selectedIndex to -1.
27. fixed problem when popupBlockingModal was called and the app was exiting.
28. added two fixes from Pierre.
29. fixed problem in Catalog.readBytes at desktop, when the offset was > 0.
30. fixed two problems in Image.getScaledInstance. Also, created a lowMemoryMode, used in devices with low available memory.
31. added Vm.SK_CONTRAST/SK_CLOCK and IKeys.CONTRAST/CLOCK to intercept the contrast and time keys on Palm OS.
. fixed JZlib sample.
. Now contains 2 methods to aid the use of the zip library.
32. fixed problem in desktop that occured with some strange characters in Settings.dateSeparator. Thanks to Vinicius Seixas (Vinny)
33. new method ByteArrayStream.skipBytes.
34. new method ByteArrayStream.reuse, to reuse the buffer, shifting the read contents to the left.
35. fixed DateBook.findDatePosition giving a NullPointerException when the catalog was empty.
36. made PushButtonGroup.names member protected to let the Modified Keyboard (uploaded to the site) work fine.
37. fixed DateBook.getRepeatRange was returning -1 if the first record matched the repeating type
38. added Pierre changes to the VM to allow the creation of other image decoders.
39. did some more changes in the serial manager to try to fix problems in P5.
40. now Datebook.insert calls Datebook.add, which contains the code from insert.
41. changed MethodsHash to correctly handle methods that only calls vmGlobals.
42. new method Vm.exitAndReboot to perform a safe warm boot.

Posted by Frank Diebolt 2003-09-17

SuperWaba 4.0a released!

SuperWaba 4.0 (August 8, 2003)


- New PDBDriver, to manipulate PDB files using SQL!
- Now runs natively on Windows 98 and beyond
- Support for Pocket PC Symbol scanners
- New Garbage Collector, with less memory usage
- 15% faster on Palm OS, 40% faster on Windows CE
- Now supports double-density Palm OS icons
- DB2E library now ported to Pocket PC
- Lots of bug fixes!... read more

Posted by Frank Diebolt 2003-08-07

SuperWaba 3.50a released!

The well know and successfull JavaVM for handheld computers (palmOS, palmOS5 and winCE) is now on Sourceforge.

SuperWaba 3.5a Changes vs 3.41

0. new directory structure to conform with open-source projects
1. undo the change i made in 341_7 to fix the jumping container bug.
2. fixed the bug in PalmOS 5 that was causing system dialogs to appear 1/4 normal size.
3. added support for custom launchcode handling in native libraries under Palm OS
4. undo the change i made in 340_42 for generating the creator id in Exegen. Now it is the way it was before.
. added Rony G. Flatscher changes for the datergf package
. changed the code for equals() in Date(), Time() and DateTime(), such that the signature is now the same as in Object.equals(),
. added method hashCode() for Date() and Time() (now same dates and times yield the same hashCode value at all times),
. using "implements" to document that the interface Comparable() got implemented in Date() and Time().
5. added Kambiz Darabi fixes to MultiEdit to update rowCount according to the new size of the text area
6. fixed MultiEdit problems with \10 showing bad characters. Now \10 can also be used as line feed in MultiEdit
7. fixed MultiEdit bug showing the popup keyboard when its container is swapped out and in (only fixed if the ME is non-editable)
8. added a fix to MenuBar when the user changes the font, that this font change was not reflected in the PopupMenus
9. added Andy fix to correct the DB2E driver load.
10. added Greg Ouzonian fix to <myapp>_installer.bat file where it was checking for the wrong errorlevel
11. added William Mitsuda change to InputFile to fix a wrong logic i introduced in 341_17 (if no exclude lists, no check was being made).
12. added Oliver Resch changed to to swap the z/y keys when in German keyboard.
13. fixed exponent handle on the VM. It was checking only for 'e', but someone could write as 'E'...
14. fixed a problem when converting numbers that starts with +
15. fixed multiple events fired by ScrollBar when pressing a single button. Thanks to Arnaud Farine.
16. added Kambiz Darabi changes to correct a bug at the crypto/BinConverter regarding leading zeros
17. fixed bug when the text for the messagebox were smaller than the title or the pushbuttons. now it sets the size of the label to the width of the window's client rect.
18. fixed bug in Palm OS 5 when using custom fonts.
19. added, with support for WinCE and PalmOS (virtual file system)
20. removed the class hooks internal variables. Now they are represented by dummy variables inside the classes. Note that some variables have one mean in desktop and other mean on device (maybe even with different type).
. removed the WOBJ_ptr dummy define.
21. added Bram Doornbos code to implement Socket.setReadTimeout for WinCE.
22. added Image.getScaledInstance(newWidth, newHeight). Caution! Althought fast, it is very memory consuming.
23. changed some things in the GC to try to avoid some memory problems. changed the valid_object signature, and also avoid allocating more than 2 chunks using the timer check. i need to try to change the GC in version 3.6
24. new Time constructor to pass the values. new Date constructor that accepts a Time object.
. new sample
25. fixed a bug when the control was resized and some things were being drawn in the wrong place
26. fixed bug on fillPolygon when the polygon bounds were greater than the screen bounds.
27. fixed bug in drawBitmap when the bitmap was greater than screen limits but the destination fits.
28. fixed crash on Sony Palm OS 5 devices. Thanks to Travis Dunbar and Tom Connel for being beta-testers (and reset their devices a couple of times).
29. fixed problem when loading classes with more than 122 chars.
30. changed some fixed static buffers to dynamic allocated to lower the vm memory usage.
31. improved the message displayed when a required library is missing.

Posted by Frank Diebolt 2003-04-18