
Status of project

  • Andy Thompson

    Andy Thompson - 2006-01-06

    Navigating around the website, I'm finding a lot of pages that are not available.  I am writing to see what the status of the suniant project is, whether it was being actively developed still.  Is there a roadmap or any documentation available for the system? 

    Are there any additional features being developed for the system?  Some things I don't see after glancing at the demo

    - bank rec
    - serialized inventory
    - point of sale (ie, no separate order/invoice entry)
    - is g/l tracked per location?  In other words, can I track inventory, sales, cost of sales, etc in multiple locations separately?

    • J. Sun

      J. Sun - 2006-01-06

      Yes, it is still being actively developed and maintained.   The document in Chinese was developed  and is distributed in, have not find anyone with enough interest to translated into English yet.

    • Andy Thompson

      Andy Thompson - 2006-01-07

      Can't help there unfortunately :)  What about the features/questions?  Are any of those being developed or thought about?


    • J. Sun

      J. Sun - 2006-01-12

      You are really talking about the development roadmap. 

      At this point it is really about fixing bugs and add minor features.  One major feature to be released in next version will be a configuration wizard to easy the installation process.  Other than that,  everything is in discussions.


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