
[HardSub-Mode] Mark as 'Done' characters without Best Guess.

  • marcel

    marcel - 2015-03-21


    I was wondering if is there a way to ignore/mark as done characters that don't have a "Best Guess" character (those that are empty) or just set them as "Done" automatically, the thing is: I got my matrix all set up, it works flawlessly with every character that I'm interested in, but it won't stop popping up for dirt and other stuff I don't need.

    • Oliver Lange

      Oliver Lange - 2015-03-26

      Am 21.03.2015 um 14:27 schrieb marcel:


      I was wondering if is there a way to ignore/mark as done characters that
      don't have a "Best Guess" character (those that are empty) or just set
      them as "Done" automatically, the thing is: I got my matrix all set up,
      it works flawlessly with every character that I'm interested in, but it
      won't stop popping up for dirt and other stuff I don't need.

      I've added a comment on the Guestbook. I'm quite busy these days so i
      didn't check my emails for a couple of days.

      Please see if my answer in the guestbook is of any help. I'm not sure if
      i really understand your problem, though.



      Oliver Lange.

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