
Is it possible to turn off all logging?

  • Bill

    Bill - 2010-07-13

    I apologize if this question has an obvious answer. But I looked in verbose.h, log.cpp, and the other messages in this
    forum and couldn't figure out how to do this. I would like to not have any messages written to cout, cerr, or any log files created.


    PS: I'm assuming stxxl will throw an exception for any serious errors.

  • Johannes Singler

    Is STXXL_VERBOSE_LEVEL set to -1?  What messages remain?  Future improvement to STXXL in this respect may be necessary.


  • Andreas Beckmann

    I just added the following to the SVN trunk: if STXXL_VERBOSE_LEVEL is set to -10 or below, STXXL_MSG output will be suppressed. Set it to -100 or below and STXXL_ERRMSG output will disappear, too.

    Please do not report problems in STXXL with STXXL_MSG/STXXL_ERRMSG disabled as you might miss useful information.

    STXXL will throw errors for serious problems, usually I/O errors.



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