
Struts 2 Support

Aleh Maksimovich

Struts 2 Support

This plug-in is a custom branch created out of exising Struts2 Support plug-in available on Original developers claim that their plug-in works with Netbeans 6.9.1 and later, but I wasn't able to run it on NetBeans 7.0. This repack modifies original plug-in configuration so that it runs on Netbeans versions 7.0 and 7.0.1.

At the moment I'm practicing my NetBeans development skills on XWork Support plug-in. When I fill confident I will rewrite some of Struts 2 Support code to match NetBeans 7.0 model.

If you want to get more information about plug-in capabilities, please refer to original plug-in page on NetBeans plug-in portal.

Update of the Original Plug-in

In alternative to using this plug-in you may recompile the original plug-in yourself. The minimal required set of updates is:

  1. Go to and download sources (from SVN).
  2. Open all projects in NB 7.x
  3. In struts-support project update "Editor library - org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib" reference to
    • Major Release Version = 3
    • Specification Version = your IDE version (e.g. using implementation version)
  4. Build and package nbstruts2-suite as NBMs
  5. Find you NBMs in ${project}/trunk/nbstruts2-suite/build/updates and enjoy.

Note: compiler will warn you about using deprecated API in the source code. But generally plug-in installs and works. There are some updates regarding XMLSyntaxSupport class usages that should be done inside the source code so that plug-in stop throwing NullPointerExceptions at some of XML completion actions. I will not describe the updates here, please check current plug-in source code.


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